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American History X


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I have no problem with AA when it began. It was needed once upon a time. But as you say, how long should it go on? I'm old enough to remember the Jim Crow days, with seperate schools, restrooms, restaurants etc. How many young folks are?


I remember my father telling my nephew about the way things were when he was a boy in the 1920s and '30s. My nephew looked at him and said, "Gee, grampa. That's hard to believe." That's a good sign right there. (And my nephew has spent his entire life in the Deep South.)




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My nephews have no concept that they can't be whatever they want, even President of the U.S.


It seems the most divisive issue nowadays isn't so much race but women getting preferential treatment. Police and fire departments are under pressure to hire more of them and the problem is that women, at least in great numbers, simply don't want to be cops or firemen..er..firepersons? Whatever. My issue is lowering standards. If you have to be able to strong enough to carry an adult male out of a burning house, I don't want someone who can't on the job. Simply as that. I don't care if its physically weak male. That job has life and death consequences and you can't skimp on that standard. Same with med school. I don't care who you are or what color or religion, you better know what the hell you're doing.


I hear colleges are moving toward economic disparity instead of race per se but in some respects it amounts to the same thing if you consider the inner city. But you also have poor whites as well. I dated a girl who was at UCLA law a few years ago (my first kiwi..ah the memories...but I digress) and she said that if you lived in certain zip codes you got extra admission points. Those zip codes were in the inner city and rural areas. Basically going after inner city blacks & latinos and poor rural whites. I don't think Bill Cosby's son should get preferential treatment over a white kid from a trailer in Barstow, California. Since Cosby's son presumably went to the best schools.


Colin Powell was a recipient of AA and said he could not have gotten into the Army War College that started his career if it weren't for that and he was also mentored by Republicans in the Dept. of Defense, hence his loyalty to that party and support for AA.





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I was about to say that maybe racial/sexual AA had a point many years ago, just to get the first generation of black people or women in various organisations over the initial hurdle and in the door. That may be necessary interference. Once the first generation are in, stop it because it can grow naturally from there. Otherwise it does breed resentment and unintended consequences.


Help based on poverty is a bit different - there have always been scholarships for poor kids with potential.


Sayjann, I don't usually like 'preachy' films with an obvious message but this movie wasn't crap. If you want an example of crap, try 'Crash' ( :barf: ) (The recent Oscar-Winner ( :shakehead ), not the one with James Spader shagging amputees.)

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<< It seems the most divisive issue nowadays isn't so much race but women getting preferential treatment. >>



I remember career GIs bitching about a certain occupation specialty that required you to pick up a 75 pound piece of equipment and carry it chest high for 100 feet. Not one of the female trainees could do it. But the gals all got a waiver ... and then expected one of the guys to do it whenever it was necessary.



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just didn't enjoy it.


it's a film with a message and i just didn't get it.

maybe because i have no experience of the subject matter left me indifferent?.

and it came with all the hype which normally gives me negative thoughts anyway.


other Films like American Pyscho and Fight Club were so full of hype and i thought they were crap as well.


just not my cup of tea i suppose.......

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I can see that. But it dealt with a powerful topic and the writing, acting etc. were first class. The message part irritated me but for other reasons...it made a big deal out of redemption. Of course it wouldn't of got released without the happy ending but I'm not sure life is ever quite so tidy.

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Thinking in hindsight, maybe a time limit on it and then revisit it at that time after looking at the stats, social changes, etc. A generation or a decade or whatever. Maybe even looking to officially end it in areas where its not necessary anymore.


The also thing is that women and black groups are gonna be loathe to end it and will use political clout. Even after the success in Florida black civil rights groups fought the repeal of AA. There is a certain amount of fear from older blacks who lived through segregation not to give an inch with respect to AA.


Anyway, the interesting thing about society nowadays is that you now see black and white males having comradery over women and immigrants.





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Sorry sayjann....I missed the reference to hype. Hype to me means extravagant publicity. Do you mean gratuitous violence? I thought the violence was about right in American History X but American Psycho was definitely violence for its own sake. Lots of people enjoy it but it can ruin an intelligent movie if it's overdone..

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I was just browsing around wiki the other day (trying to avoid work) and happened to see some stats about press-ups that included numbers required to pass entry into the American services. Army was highest, then Navy, then Air Force. Then I saw these really low, single-digit, numbers. 9?


The level needed to pass training for young male Army recruits is 42. The level for female recruits was 8 or 9!




The last "racism" that may never be stamped out, btw, is "Gingers". Everyone hates gingas. :)

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