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>head of the US Lung Association said, "If the US Government were in charge of cancer research, you would have no practical treatment but you would have the world's best iron lung."<


[color:red]the US government provided university & private research grants[/color] for cancer research .. grants for medical research were provided.


the biblical shrub vetoed stem cell research money ..


before the biblical war mongers came into power science was respected.

as we now we know, jesus abhored science.


C-man .. your posts are documenting my contention about the cognitively deficient US forces in Iraq.

we need the draft to ensure a high double digit IQed military.


Terri Schiavo would cognitively be in the upper 1/2 of todays army.

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"...The US is not perfect, and no one wants what the French have (Or really the Brits either...), but it works better than the alternative..."


Not sure it would even be a separate "system." All it would take is for the government to become the single payer, set rates, and subsidize the pharmaceutical industry (it all ready sort of does), thus lowering costs and making the life saving/pain reducing procedures available to all...better than wasting my tax money on bullshit wars and waste.

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ask the people of vietnam if the US accepts responsibility for WMDs?


will be interesting how the depleted uranium in Iraq is dealt with.




I don't think that the US used WMD's in Vietnam. Agent Orange is not a WMD. (Chronic vs. Acute effects) Mustard gas however....


Oh, and depleted Uranium has less radioactivity than your TV screen, so virtually harmless. People like to focus on its name and assume since it has the word Uranium in it, it has to be radioactive in the extreme.)


I actually have an SU round (fired and soft landed) from a M1A2 sitting on the floor next to me. We use it to prop open the door when the power goes off. Heavy bitch!


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The most toxic dioxin, 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), became well known as a contaminant of Agent Orange, a herbicide used in the Vietnam War[3]


Dioxin is just one example of the family of dangerous poisons called Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics


Dr James Clary, a military scientist who designed the spray tanks .. Writing in 1988 to a member of Congress ..the military formulation had a higher dioxin concentration than the civilian However, because the material

was to be used on the enemy, none of us were overly concerned.



"no commercial disposal site is approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to dispose of dioxins and precursors."



The after effects of this dioxin chemical warfare continue to be felt today in vietnam.(& pennsylvania & ohio & illinois .. I wonder how much monsanto contributes to congress?)


dioxin as a weapon against Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko.


depleted uranium is a toxic heavy metal:


What was revealed is that DU accumulates in lymph nodes, brain, testicles, and other organs, and the short term and long term effects of DU were not known. There was a definite increase of birth defects in the offspring of persons exposed to DU; and Gulf War vets who inhaled DU were still excreting abnormal amounts of uranium in the urine 10 years later


As for the defense establishment's assertion that chemical exposure to DU was insignificant, Dr. Asaf Durakovic, who in 1991 was chief of the Nuclear Medicine Clinic at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Wilmington Delaware, discovered significant evidence of uranium exposure in his patients, severe pathology of the renal and geneto-urinary systems.


Dr. Durakovic insisted on expanding the tests. He wanted samples of the patients' skeletal systems.

The tests were not performed, medical charts disappeared, the uranium Registry Office was dismantled, and Dr. Durakovic was laid off in 1997. (Dr. Durakovic is presently professor of radiology and nuclear medicine and radiology at Georgetown University.)


"1999 U.S. document warned of depleted uranium in Kosovo" by Marlise Simons, noted "while acknowledging the hazards, both the Pentagon and NATO, pointing to medical experts, have denied any links could exist between exposure to depleted uranium and the illness and deaths of veterans."


Major Doug Rokke is a leading DU expert who has become a whistleblower against its use.

each tank round is composed of 10 pounds of solid uranium-238 contaminated with plutonium, neptunium, and americium. The round is pyrophoric


airborne particles seem to be the problem:

DU produces uranium oxide dust and pieces of uranium explode all over the place.


"Depleted uranium: The Trojan Horse of nuclear war," which appeared in the June 2004 World Affairs Journal, Moret claims: "The use of DU weaponry by the US, defying all international treaties, will slowly annihilate all species on Earth including the human species, and yet this country continues to do so with full knowledge of its destructive potential."

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