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if you can stay on topic for 2 questions without the name calling.


[color:blue]1.[/color] I am suggesting that whites are not superior to browns

[color:red]& you contend that is a racist statement. correct?[/color]


[color:blue]2.[/color] browns (= palestinians) were robbed of their land by northern europeans (= GERMAN holocaust survivors).

[color:red]agree or disagree[/color]


bet you are not man enough to deal with those 2 questions before you resort to name calling.


Oh, & no body of import has called me a racist.. in fact [color:red]the only person that matters around here [/color] PMed me that he agrees with me .. dopey!

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chocie, you continue to contend that southern baptist are an intellectual group & that global wars should be fought for the beliefs of southern baptists..


the same preachers that taught israel is given by david to the chosen people is the same dope that contends kangaroos are from iraq & the grand canyon was formed by noah's flood.


if you contend the david's land grand is valid you must also agree that kangaroos are from iraq. correct?

[color:red]& that israel extends to the Euphrates[/color]


southern baptist are moving to home schooling because of the teaching of 21st century science in public schools.

this is the action of an intellectual group?


southern baptists are one step removed from snake charmers.


to base international law on the beliefs of southern baptists .. the dumbest thing said since friday's bill oreally's show.



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>out of guilt of what happened Jews in WW2<


but the the blonde Germans kept their Bavarian & Rhine Vally homes / businesses .. the BROWN non white christian Palestinians were robbed of their homes, land, businesses..

this theft from browns is ongoing by :clown: god's chosen.. :clown:

the palestinian BROWNS were / are treated as sub humans


to cite southern baptist preachers as a validation for stealing from and killing Palestinians is so freedom fryer christian [color:red]I laugh at you. so stupid that I actually laugh at YOU & YOUR lack of intellect[/color]


& mary was a virgin & jesus rose from the dead & kangaroos are from iraq & noahs flood ..

this is the christian's validation to steal & murder .. ????


weak case my man! very very weak!


the black churchs obviously produce good gospel singers .. even if all the black churches ever produced was aretha they did well.

even backing choc's deficets out, aretha more than made up up for that empty black hole that is choc's intellect.


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chocie, you continue to contend that southern baptist are an intellectual group & that global wars should be fought for the beliefs of southern baptists..


LOL...please copy on posts where I have said any thing about southern baptists being some intellectual group? I'm laughing as I'm writing this as I can't believe what I'm reading...lol...


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foreigner, you have completely lost me. I can only believe you read what you want and not what someone actually says. Truly.


I trust the collective wisdom of the forum to see the posts for what it is.


Israel being created for hebrews is part of ALL the 3 major relgions. The 5 books of Moses is part of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Within those books God gives Israel to the Hebrews. Whether one believes that or not. There are plenty of people (Arabs, Catholics, Christians) who think its unfair for the Palestinians to be denied a homeland but still have that (Israel given to the hebrews) in their holy books. Its a dichotomy of sorts but it is what it is.


I'm not choosing a side just stating that you are labeling anyone that has that belief is some sort of zionist.

As for the kangaroos in Iraq thingy you keep repeating, I have no idea what you're going all about.


Come to think of it, I give up. I never argue with children, women and....well...without being too insulting, I won't mention the 3rd. hehehe

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