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Amount of $ carrying into thailand


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I have a question regarding the amount of money you carry into Thailand. Before entering Thailand, on the arrival/departure card, the card asks if you are carrying more than $10,000. If the answer is yes, what happens next? Do they stop you upon entering and count it to verify how much to report to the IRS? Or, do they just let you go through without any hassle? Any and all info is greatly appreciated. Thank you for help


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Bank Transfers greater than $10,000 out of USA are also routinely reported as well as "physical" transfers. This has been in place for a long time in trying to create audit trails of money moving in and out of country. I can think of many reasons such as money laundrying in the drug trade.


Again, this is routine, and unless it is done on a regular basis or includes transactions of significant amount probably does not raise any eyebrows. Often, consistent transfers have legitimate reasons (business/support/etc.



I have exceeded that limit a couple of times (to buy a house and car) and have never been contacted. If you are carrying cash in excess of 10,000, I would report it, you probably will have to explain or fill out a report similar to a routine bank report. Normally, would not come into play, but in the case of an audit, explaining large cash withdrawals, transfers, after the fact could become more problematic.

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EU and USA last year forced Thailand to join the new international rule that more than the value of USD 10.000 in any currency cannot be carried over a frontier. If you do without declaring the money will be confiscated...

If I remember correctly, China has a $5000 USD limit to go in/out of China.

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