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Watch that 'Potty Mouth'!


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From what I read, the woman had the bathroom window open where the neighbors could hear. Her neighbor is a cop, and he asked her to not use such language. She didn't stop. He called the cops (his co - workers?)and filed a complaint. At that point, the authorities are obligated to take action.


There's an old saying, "The right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.". I found out that's not literally true. Making an aggressive gesture in front of a person, even walking towards them in an aggressive way (making fists, pounding steps, staring) is actually considered an illegal threat.


I heard some cities are passing laws against smoking in your OWN home. If there are children present, if it is a certain type of home, where neighbors might be able to smell the smoke.


I read a quote in the above linked article where an attorney with the ACLU says â??You canâ??t prosecute somebody for swearing at a cop or a toilet,â?Â. Actually, several cities have ordinances against profanity. And swearing at a cop can get you into a helluva lot of trouble.


I think politicians are generally, a bunch of control-freak scumbags. They sit around figuring out how to control people, take away human rights, confiscate and redistribute OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY, and take care of their crony friends.


Personally, I come from the "He who governs best governs least." point of view.


Oh, and by the way, the article mentions that her daughter was there. Perhaps Child Protective Services should take the child into foster care and begin an investigation: corrupting a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, verbal abuse, or some such thing. (tongue firmly in cheek here)



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In LA, or I think specifically West Hollywood, a separate community within LA county they passed a law that apartment owners can deny smokers to let apartments if they smoke.

California is the usually the place where a lot of these laws that impede on personal freedoms start. Santa Monica, which is just adjaced to LA on the beach is another. They call it the The Peopls Republic of Santa Monica around here.


There are lots of communities that restrict what color you can paint your house or laws on your keeping your property up (lawn, shrubbery, fences--certain height, etc.).


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