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Tiger's Fiery Jack night in Tokyo


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I just read the thread from BJ about trip reports and Yimy's response that he likes them. So here's one, for shits & giggles.




Here's me last Sat night here in ol' Edo. Go stumbling around Golden Gai after a diner of various Indian curries and a buffet of sub-continental beers (Kingfisher, Everest & Maharajah).


Pop into an Aussie owned snack, to help assist in celebrating Aussie Day, but only find a table full of J-gals, a Frenchman, and a stunning Jap/Aussie bird who speaks fuck all English! Three Laphroaigs and some serious flirting with the J/A gal later, I'm off to...


A Flip karaoke bar. A dozen plus scotch-sodas, some for assorted chix as well, a few songs at 100 yen per, assorted gropes to/from the J-gal customers, and a cigar later, it is decision time: my hotel locks it's doors from 0200-0530. Aw fuck it, I'm having a good time, have a cigar left, and that hot J/A bird from the other bar just stopped in. Another dozen scotch sodas, more drinks for gals whom I want to shag, a snog or ten and a couple of duets with the J/A bird (but she wouldn't come home with me), and it's 0500 and the bar unceremoniously dumps me out on the street. How's that for gratitude? Sometime before the bar closes, I phone fellow boardmembers because it sounds like a good idea -- they are not amused when woken up (sorry Cent 5555555)!


Hmmm, drunk but cannot go home until 0530, so I stagger the nether regions of Kabukicho and find a queue of fellow drunks. I join in, since this is Japan and that's the thing to do. Turns out it was for the McDonalds, opening at 0530. A brekky sammich and a Coke is prolly a good thing.


Leave Maccers and find that I cannot remember where my hotel is. Get into a taxi and drive all over Shinjuku trying to find it. Bloody driver did not know of my hotel, but when I finally remembered the name of a nearby ruv hotel, he did. Some 2000 yen later, I'm home.


Nothing missing, except for Sunday. And about 28,000 yen...



SD -- pleased that it was only Y28k...

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Aye, Champions. One of my most favouritest dive bars in the world!


Many gaijin? I'd say it is a 35% foreign devil and 65% Japanesey crowd. I suppose that is many gaijin for somewhere outside of Roppongi.


Hugh, it was fine $$ and I knew I was not going to get laid as I know the modus operendi of J-girls: they will not go home w/you on the first meet lest their friends think they're sluts; second meet OK, then not a slut I guess. I was just having fun and laying groundwork for possible future fun.




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Try EX, the German pub in Roponggi.




They have a map how to get there. Very close to Almond's.


Good food, beer and people.


I rarely get to Roppongi cuz I hate being shackled to the train schedule. When I do, it is usually Motown Cafe, Gas Panic (I know, but it's fun!), or Hobgobblin. But thanks for a new place to hit. I will one night; prolly next trip tho'.


Was supposed to hook up with fellow boardie UAL875, but our work schedules just wouldn't cooperate. Too bad, we always have fun (usually in the Pong)...




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