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DNA Paternity Test


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Most larger Thai hospitals could handle it.

Getting access to the baby with a swab or a needle could be a problem.

If you're seriously worried about paternity could be time to lawyer up.

Otherwise do the Thai man thing and ignore her until she goes away.

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I'm not commenting on whatever circumstances that TokBet is concerned about.


I do however have a piece of information that is pertinent to the topic.


Unfortunately I don't have a link to the studies, but in a docco I saw recently, studies have found that up to one in ten children in Europe is not fathered by the husband/partner in the relationship.


Biologically women are more likely to have a fling when they are ovulating and having a diverse genetic portfolio in your offspring is good for the female's genetic future.


Add the bar scene into this and what have you got?


A good reason the DNA the offspring I reckon. You can always say you carry Parkinsons or something and need to screen junior for that...






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I was asked to check about this on the Internet for a friend of mine who doesn't know how to use the net.


She said that when she checked at one of the major "International class" hospitals in Bangkok, that hospital said that there was only one hospital in Bangkok that will do the test, and that is Rama hospital, which is close to Victory monument. She then called Rama hospital and they confirmed that they do the test but the baby needs to be at least 2 months old to do the test, as they draw blood and the baby needs sufficient volume of blood.


She is looking for alternatives, and hence my question.

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You can get a dna paternity test by mail these days. They will sent a kit; and you mail back a sample of the cells by scraping the inside of the cheeks in the mouth with a small brush that is provided in the kit. There are many companies doing this. Do a Google search.

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DNA paternity testing can be done at birth by using umbilical cord blood. Before birth, can be done by CVS at 10-12 weeks or amniocentesis at 15-20 weeks. After birth, can be done at anytime by buccal smears or blood sampling, but blood sampling is usually delayed until two months old (the amount of blood needed is only a few cc's-less than a teaspoon-so not a hard rule).

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