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Another 48 Hrs Pattaya....


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...then some bastard with my ATM cards has certainly been having a good time on my tab - and apparently handing out my mobile number to every Ning, Nit, Nat and Noi he came across...

Beee-yooo-teee-ful Yimmy! :rotl::rotl::rotl::rotl::rotl:




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Was it you, SuaDum??? Ya bastard, when the hell did you sleep down there, I got charges billed around the damn clock! Not that the hotels didn't benefit, you at least had a place - or rather, places - to stay: it took me forever to figure out what "Potchanaliya Inc" is: the Penthouse Hotel, discreetly billed! Room tariff reasonable enough for a suite, but christ, you cleaned out the minibar at least once a day! Plus the Marriott, Siam Bayview, and Lek Hotel - you work for Lonely Planet or something, why so many hotels in less than a week? Or do you suffer the same fate I do - after a day or two with a girl you decide to change girls, but you're at that point that you have to pretend you're leaving town, and move to a new hotel? I know the drill... not really much point to it, since she can always drop 50 baht to the mototaxi guys, and they'll let her know your new hotel, the room number, and which side of the bed you're sleeping on... TIT.


Actually, the phone calls... I'm pretty sure it wasn't you, SD -- about 80% speak Khmer, is that your style? (Plus, not a single decent shopping charge all week -- just bar tabs, hotels, and those damn ATMs, over and over, here at Seven, then there at Royan Garden, then Seven again, like commas punctuating the holiday, indicating pause, yet all within about 500 meters in South Pattaya!)


So maybe it WAS me, YimSiam, after all: the girl who called at 5 am HK time last night did say something about giving me more free Viagra as she started to count down from ten in pasa Khmen -- I have to believe that YimSiam is one of the very few who gets the same results from a Buriram chick whispering pasa Khmer as he does from Pfizer's big blue!


(And yes, by the time she hit "bai, bpi, moui..." she'd had the intended effect, like magic - must be some weird genetic aberration i suffer, that this language I don't even understand gives automatic 'power'... or maybe that first Buriram sweetie put me under a spell back in 2001...)


Mai pen rai, really... Whether it was me or some imposter doesn't really matter in the end, since no matter how hard I rack my brain I can't come up with an alibi, nor any explanation for why there's a worn-once Singha t-shirt in my kitchen and a softpack of Thai LM Lights in my briefcase.


What matters is I'm safe and sound and nobody got hurt, and the charges have ceased. I guess I just wonder who might've forgotten their medication in my Dopp kit -- something called Postinor 2, it looks like maybe you take 2 each day, and there's just one in the package. I guess if it was serious someone would've called by now, so no need to worry.







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Yimsiam, are you from the same genetic family as I am?


I almost thought I had a twin brother with just slightly different tastes (pattaya instead of bkk).


Your experience looks very similar to mine (when in LOS as a tourist not as an expat).


These numerous trips to ATM (the curse).


These numerous hotels (in my case these were hotels I used for ST/LT rather than my own hotel)


These strange phone calls



Are you me?




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Actually, the phone calls... I'm pretty sure it wasn't you, SD -- about 80% speak Khmer, is that your style? (Plus, not a single decent shopping charge all week...

Ya caught me mate. If it were me, it would be Teo Chew (or is it better spelt Chaozhou or Diojiu?) or Hokkien, or maybe even Hakka dialect, not Khmen. And the shopping charges would be atrocious, but the cash exchanging hands would be non-existant LOL! Same-same, tho', innit?




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