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Iowa's "Katrina"?


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This means what to you, RY?


What it means to me is that culture and character are what determines the success of groups and individuals far more than circumstances do in the long run. Today, three years after Katrina, there are thousands upon thousands of individuals and entire communities who are doing nothing but living off of welfare and complaining that they are Katrina "victims" who have been neglected and abused by others who are responsible for their plight. In three years' time there will be no such people in Iowa. None. Folks there will be going to work, going to school, going to church, growing corn and soybeans, raising pigs, running businesses, volunteering in their communities, giving to charity, coaching little league baseball, etc., etc. There will be no Spike Lee movie, no TV special, no Bruce Springsteen song, no Kanye West diatribe on race, no t-shirts blaming Bush or FEMA or anyone else, no "global warming" bullshit, no crap whatsoever. None. Iowans will be back in business while New Orleanians will still be bitching and moping and sitting around in their own filth doing nothing.


That is what that quote means to me.

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Things to remember about Katrina.


People in NO were TOLD TO LEAVE 3 days before it hit.


The 9th Ward had the largest percentage of convicted felons and sex offenders in the COUNTRY.


So, add to the storm that the vast majority of people that stayed were dummys and a high percentage were criminals and that what happened in between the Fed getting its act together is not at all hard to have been predicted.

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So, add to the storm that the vast majority of people that stayed were dummys and a high percentage were criminals and that what happened in between the Fed getting its act together is not at all hard to have been predicted.


Many people stayed in New Orleans in anticipation of the opportunities for crime a collapse of order would certainly present. Others stayed to protect their property from the former. Everyone in New Orleans expected and understood this. The media and the leftists ignore this due to dishonesty and stupidity.

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A recent story on Katrina "victims":


Some receiving FEMA assistance not willing to help themselves

Reported by: Andrea Ramey

Last Update: 06/03/08 8:47 pm


(BILOXI, MS) June 3 -- What are people who receive FEMA assistance doing to help themselves? That's the question NBC 15's Andrea Ramey asked those who have been staying for free in hotel rooms after they moved out of FEMA supplied travel trailers. What she found out is there are some who are doing very little.


The scorching heat puts many at the Quality Inn poolside, but for Gwenester Malone, she chooses to beat the heat by setting her thermostat to sixty degrees. Malone's room for the past three months, along with three meals daily, have all been paid for by taxpayers.


"Do you work?" asked NBC 15's Andrea Ramey.


"No. I'm not working right now," said Malone.


Malone says she can't drive and it's too hot outside to find work within walking distance. "Since the storm, I haven't had any energy or pep to go get a job, but when push comes to shove, I will," said Malone.


Just a few blocks away, Kelley Christian also stays at a hotel for free. She says she's not taking advantage of her situation, but admits it's easy to do. "It's too easy. You know, once you're there, you don't have to pay rent," said Christian. "I kept putting it off and putting it off and now, I'm tired of putting it off."


She says she'll be out of the hotel and in an apartment by the end of the month. Push came to shove for Christian when police found a meth lab in a hotel room directly below her. "All kind of people in white suits pulled all kind of chemicals out here. There was enough to line up about three cars worth of chemicals. It scared the heck of me," said Christian.


Taxpayers also paid for that meth lab. The men police arrested were receiving FEMA assistance. The hotel owner says he'll now have to spend $5,000 to clean out the room.


As for Malone, she says she's not seeing any drug activity at her hotel. It's too nice she says. Why would she want to leave?


FEMA has not been able to provide the exact totals as to how much all the meals and hotel rooms are costing taxpayers, but FEMA has said repeatedly it works with people continuously to find permanent housing, and it will not leave anyone homeless.


Since Katrina hit the Gulf Coast nearly three years ago, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Mississippi has charged more than 275 people with FEMA fraud.




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Many people stayed in New Orleans in anticipation of the opportunities for crime a collapse of order would certainly present. Others stayed to protect their property from the former. Everyone in New Orleans expected and understood this. The media and the leftists ignore this due to dishonesty and stupidity.



Very true. Esp the people that stayed to rob and riot. Those idiots even tried to raid the 4th Marine Div HQ. 20 Marines were there to protect the property and were armed to the teeth. They "talked them out of it."

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RY, What you've posted could also be seen in another context. A racist one.


Percentage of 'blacks' in Iowa 2.5% (Iowa is known as one of the 'whitest' states)




Percentage of 'blacks' in New Orleans 67.25% (whites account for a mere 28.05%)




But I'm sure a 'good ol' boy' such as yourself would never stoop to such vile inferences...

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