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Bored in Dubai


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In a very nice 5* hotel in Deira. Looks like a sort of arabian US suburb. Nothing outside the hotel to speak of just some residential homes and what looks like an f'ing long way to anywhere. Seen barely a single taxi. WTF?


So guys any ideas what to do. It's Thursday afternon here and I am damn sure that even with the dreaded month around the corner that there are places to go here. Should I just jump in a taxi and head for the York hotel? What will a find on a day like today?




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From another board, posted on 6 Aug:


On another note, my regular says that a lot of girls are headed back in the next week or two before the ramadan clean up happens and will only be back in oct. Its going to be a very dry couple of months ahead. They arent concerned about the new visa rules- apparently there is a loophole.


And from 7 Aug:


Astoria Hotel - TGIT: I was there last week - here's my report from ISG forum:


Astoria and Panorama Hotels - bars for daytime fun


I returned to Dubai Tuesday morning from a busy week in Rio. I more than fulfilled my husbandry obligations for a couple of nights afterwards (I came back a new man - it's amazing how Brazilian hotties can make you feel like a stud. I almost started believing it myself. Poor little Wildcat didn't know what hit her. )


Astoria Hotel

This afternoon I found myself near Astoria Hotel for some business. Very rare that I get to that part of town daytime, so I went to TGIT in Astoria around 2:30pm. Plenty of African and PRC girls, with a few Uzbekistanis. Quality was low overall, with some okay, and a few gems. I had to be back in my office by 5:30pm at the latest, so I was looking for a two-hour session with one of the girls who live a few minutes walk from Astoria (this means an Uzbeki girl). There was only one young Uzbeki that was worthwhile trying for, but a local guy in dish-dash soon took her away.


None of the PRC appealed to me (some must have been over 50 y.o.), but there were a few hot Africans - many from Ghana. One Ghanian girl in particular was cute - great little bod with a nice set, a very pretty face, with big plump lips that could just about suck my whole body in. I chatted with her, but she lives in Baraha - way over the other side of town from my office. I took her number for future reference - well worth following up.


I think in the past, TGIT closed at 4pm and re-opened in the evening. Now it's open non-stop from midday to 1:00am - could be good for afternoon hobbyists.


Panorama Hotel

Next, into a cab around 3:15pm and straight to the other afternoon WG bar - Jockeys in Panorama. I suspected beforehand it would be a waste of time (I hate the place), but I was hoping for a gem like Pocahontas a couple of months ago. Alas, I was right - it was a waste of time. What a sad sad atmosphere with a sad sad selection of girls and sad looking guys staring at their drinks alone. I left Jockeys soon after, and doubt I will ever return.



Note - if you are willing to drive to Deira side, Broadway Hotel is also good for daytime fun ("Coffee Shop" bar downstairs). Full of CIS in abayas pretending to be Arab. ST prices about 500AED.




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  • 2 years later...

Hmmm... doesn't look very promising in ole Dubai for a 2 day stopover next week.


What else to do there?


Is Friday/Saturday the weekend? Or is there still a half day work on Friday?


Hotels - any recommendations? Staying on my own dime so don't need the 5* ones!

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I stayed at Highland City Hotel last year, turned out it was a bit of a thermae with lots of action, nice rooms.


great UN range of good looking cheap (I wasn't partaking, but seemed a short time of $50 or less was viable)


Crappy breakfast (AKA USA Cheap Motel Style - really odd breakfast)



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Panorama Hotel Bur Dubai

P.O BOX 14703


United Arab Emirates

Phone: 011 (971) 3518518


Not fancy at all but the bar down stairs you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a whore of all types. Less than $100 per night which is cheap for Dubai.



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  • 3 years later...

I'm just back from a few weeks in Dubai. Crumpet everywhere. Wall-to-wall fanny. Jumpin' so it was. I picked up three chinese girls in a Petrol Station for the price of an Old Dutch Ghoulash. And still had enough for a schwarma on the way home. Happy Days.

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