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King and I Massage: Review


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Totally of topic but right now I could do with a good foot massage as my right foot is hurting like hell enexplainably and I can barely walk on it. Yesterday I had nothing and this morning I wake up and it hurts and is swollen.


Anyone know a place for a good foot massage (not to expensive, no extras needed)

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Totally of topic but right now I could do with a good foot massage as my right foot is hurting like hell enexplainably and I can barely walk on it. Yesterday I had nothing and this morning I wake up and it hurts and is swollen.


Anyone know a place for a good foot massage (not to expensive, no extras needed)



You might want to have your uric acid checked. Cost of test is not much. If your foot is swollen for no apparent reason, you might have gout.


If you don't want to get the test, see if colochine pills will help you. Cost is like 20 baht for a strip of 10. Make sure you take food with the pills and drink water.


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hmm I wonder if that was the same place I went to because that seems to describe it. Being near Nana, you would figure.


I had heard that if they are near the places like nana or SC or the like that it has happy ending, or if they treat you like a rock star as you walk by, and the other times that was true indicator, but not this time.


I like the massage part too. You can be exhausted and burned out after walking around all day in the heat and humidy but when you get out your feel like you just woke up from a good night sleep.









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Well it cleared up as mysteriously as it came. If it was around my ankle I would have known what it was. An old problem from a motorcycle accident I had when I was 17. Docter's told me to keep walking on crutches for three months I threw them away after 3 weeks. So my ankle never healed properly and if I walk for a long time it sometimes starts hurting. And can really hurt for a day or two.


I have something against doctors and medicines so I usually try to avoid both.


If it happens again I will go to the doctor then.

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