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USA Getting Socialized Medicine?


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So, you don't have health insurance?


Yes, I have catastrophic health insurance in case I get hit by a bus or something like that.


If I would ever get cancer or anything like that, I would take care of myself verses going to those greedy, dumb bastards they call doctors in the USA.


Remember, (dis)ease is simply a disharmony in the body. When you bring harmony back into the body then there is ease.


Medical establishments in the USA repress cheap forms of health care by suing people who figured out how to heal someone for pennies on the dollar. I know a very generous healer who was taken out of business by the greedy medical establishment in America.


Yes, my mother and father also work very hard, but they are idiots when it comes to taking care of themselves health-wise. When they were my age they were already ailing, and they never take any of my advice. They are blinded by their stupidity.


I already told my brother (who also takes none of my good advice) that if he gets a major illness, he can look elsewhere if wants my money to paid his medical bills. You made your bed, now you lay in it!


"You think health-care is expensive now--wait unit it is free."



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I'm glad that you have at least cat. health insurance ( and hopefully the cash to pay the deductable). You make some good points but fail to bring one's family history into the equasion. My father lived to be 89 years old (and probably would have lived longer if he didn't have several falls that damaged his lungs) and never had heart or cancer problems (he was diabetic but that was controlled by drugs) and really didn't spend much on his health (or I should say medicade didn't spend much) until his last 2 years of life. I'm hoping that I have his health genes but am not betting the farm on that hope. By the way, I learned a long time ago not to expect to change other people's behavior but concentrate on your own.

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