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German Billionaire tops himself after losing a fortune


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Dopy cunt. Most people would call it a day on 2 or 3 million and split their time between the driving range and Poseidon.




Unless it was Laos Kip then you'd spend all your time selling golf balls you'd nicked off the driving range and selling your arse down Poseidon.



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I didn't read the full article, but maybe I should?


If the guy was a billonare and his losses were 539 million, that leaves him with at least 461 million. I think I could manage to live on that.

According to the article:


"Forbes recently ranked Merckle Germany's fifth-richest man with a fortune worth an estimated $9.2 billion."


So it wasn't like he only had half left. A lot of the time what you are worth on paper isn't exactly what you can get.


Seems like it was the shame moreso than he was being anywhere close to penniless. I could live with that shame.


Another thing is that it was said he made big bets on companies like Volkswagen.


I recall someone saying that if you risk it on all on a crap shoot and hit, that "life" typically allows you to do that once in a lifetime. If you push your luck a second time and risk it all, "life" will punish you by having you lose it all.


There are exceptions there are some that have made money, lost it and gotten back again. Donald Trump comes to mind.

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