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Thankyou Switzerland!


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I am so happy the Swiss came to this decision. Hopefully it will lead to other European countries taking a similar line.


I purchased a Rolex watch this afternoon to celebrate; on an impulse. My first real one.


I will be buying all things Swiss now,along with Danish products.


Its interesting, its the smaller countries in europe that are sticking up to this awful religion, the larger ones like the UK and France are to busy kissing muslims arse to do anything else.



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Do you think that Saudi is a good example of a "normal" Muslim nation?

I've seen Christian, Hindu and Buddhist places of worship in Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey etc.


Personally I think the Saudis are in sore need of the sort of slap that was wasted on Iraq.

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Many conservatism Muslims don't consider Malaysia and Indonesia as Muslim nations. I was told that by some from Pakistan. When I pointed out that Albania was a Muslim majority country in Europe, I got the same response: not really Muslim.


Even so, good show Switzerland. Send the message: If Muslims want equal treatment for their faith, they have to grant it in their countries to other religions and even atheists.


Note that the Swiss have not banned Islam - only the religious tower with the mullah yelling at us five times a day. If anyone else did that, they'd be hauled in for "disturbing the peace".



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I believe I read that none of the existing minarets in Switzerland are used for calls to prayer. Still, I have to like what the Swiss have done here symbolically, even though it may hurt their country economically in the short term.


I read an op-ed in WSJ the other day and, while I don't agree with much of it, I did agree with this:


[color:blue]Many Arab Muslims know that what ails their societies is more than the West, and that The Narrative is just an escape from looking honestly at themselves. But none of their leaders dare or care to open that discussion. In his Cairo speech last June, President Obama effectively built a connection with the Muslim mainstream. Maybe he could spark the debate by asking that same audience this question:


“Whenever something like Fort Hood happens you say, ‘This is not Islam.’ I believe that. But you keep telling us what Islam isn’t. You need to tell us what it is and show us how its positive interpretations are being promoted in your schools and mosques. If this is not Islam, then why is it that a million Muslims will pour into the streets to protest Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, but not one will take to the streets to protest Muslim suicide bombers who blow up other Muslims, real people, created in the image of God? You need to explain that to us  and to yourselves.†[/color]





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I think it's discrimination. Will the Swiss also reject planning permission for the next church, synagogue or Sikh temple?


It's amazing how people can get all worked up over architecture... just as irrational as hating someone's skin pigmentation or the fold of an Asian eyelid. Room enough for all of us on the planet.


For me now the Swiss are no better than Saudis.


That's the last bar of Toblerone and cuckoo clock I buy! :)



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