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Iran Is Now a ‘Nuclear State’


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[color:red]"Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism"[/color] ... sounds about right.


[color:red]"His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy"[/color] ... would he be considered an enemy combatant today?


[color:red]"The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. "[/color] ..... I can hear rogie now

[color:red]"LIAR, LEFTIST, RETARD!"[/color]

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Also, don't overlook the "nutcase" possibility ... say if Pakistan's government fell into the hands of the Taliban. Osama and company would love Pakistan's nuclear arsenal to play with. :(



Probably only a matter of time before a group without restraints is in possession of a nuclear weapon.


The cause of concern should probably weigh more towards that possibility than the actions of a national government with nuclear capability (still, doesn't mean it's not possible).

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The problem is, some governments are less secure/stable than others, and thus a concern of the NUKES falling into the wrong hands...The Taliban for example would have an easier time getting one from say Pakistan or North Korea maybe than they would getting one from say Israel or the USA...


Iran all along claimed they wanted the nuclear reactors for power purposes, which no one believed, and now it appears they have other intentions they are no longer hiding.

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Iran are Muslims...for me, IME, Muslims lie, so I knew right away that their story about a nuke power station was all bullocks! Just my rule of thumb, but has mostly proven to be true!


Prescott Bush...slim ball, the US let him slide when they should have hanged the TRAITOR!


Yes, I'm a Tin Head but it looks like another "conspiracy" theory is going to be proven true...time to wake up, people!!!

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Heard today that the US is sending an ambassador to the gulf states to drum up support for increased sanctions on Iran.Surely some double standards going on here-huge financial and military support for Israel helping it to build settlements in the West Bank in violation of international law whilst taking action against Iran -they cant have it both ways.....or maybe its like the invasion of Iraq - International law is whatever we ( the US ) says it is....

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Invade Iraq so as to have land to building landing strips.


Turn public opinion against Iran so as to invade Tin Hat,


Iran, the only major 'opposing' power in the Middle East.


Next, invade Saudia Arabia - the number one source for oil. Whoever owns or controls the oil controls the World.



[color:red]Sounds like something Prescott Bush would have thought of.[/color]

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