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Obama: Studpid, Naieve, or A Traitor?


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Me thinks that Obama will start something with Iran as the results of some BS "terror attack" and then he will get another 4 years sitting in the big chair.


No, he is in any way Studpid, Naieve, but very well could be labeled as a Traitor, IMO.


Why, after he promised no Wall Street/Bankers/ Lobbyists, did he fill his cabinet and advisers with such people?


IMO, he is just reading from a script...

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Old Hippie, those posts were hilarious. I too am laughing my ass off. :D:worship::beer:



What the world needs is more laughter instead of the sick attics like when GWB used to give people the finger just after he removed the finger from his dog's ass. [color:red]Shitty, poor taste in my opinion.[/color]

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Earlier this evening I was in Berkeley having dinner at fair trade communally owned organic restaurant run by lesbian feminists who frequently monitor the internet for improper content. They asked me to foreward the following to you:


Dear Mr Hoy,


We are disgusted by your comments, and have blocked them from our WiFi system. While we normally hate censorship and view it as fascist, we feel it is different when we do it! Especially since we know how to do it properly.


We feel you are in some serious need of re-education and training, and maybe a spiritual cleansing and herbal rub and bath. Some healing crystals and yoga would also help! Stop eating red meat and drinking non union made republic supporting beer and get with the program. Your presence is no longer welcome in Berkeley you non environmentally sensitive fascist bastard. We would berate you more, but we have to gas up the land rover and drive to an anti oil and pollution save the dolphins rally. -Gretchen Dykeman and my life partner Louise Nocock Chair PERSON'S of the Berkeley committee for free speech and expression


Typical of Bay Area libs/muff munchers...want to censor my rants and then go off to some "free speech and expression" orgy. If we have anything to be thankful for, most of those cunts will not have offspring. :content: They're just like their fucking idol, Obama. Ever notice that when he (rarely) exposes himself in town hall-type meetings to questions, that he enevitabley interrupts a questioner with "wait, wait...hold on...hold on there" type of bullshit? He interrupts the speaker...same as he did on many occasions at the White House health care discussion that was televised. It's quite apparent that he doesn't want to hear any criticism or have to answer tough questions that he might have to actually answer. I've been waiting to hear somebody who is cut off by this asshole say, "No no no. You wait, Mr. President. I'm not finished. Just listen to what I'm saying and THEN answer my fucking questions. You might be through, but I'm not". 5555555555555 Joe Wilson had the right idea. Instead, all we see 99& of the time are useful idiots sitting/standing behind "the great pretender" nodding their heads in unison and smiling as he spouts bullshit. I can see your two restauranteers among those fools.




Oh..Khun Bust. Please note that I have invited the two lovlies to my 4th of July Pool Party. I'll be having special fireworks this year. The "finale" will be a cutout of Obama taped to a sky rocket that will go up about 200 feet and then explode into hundreds of red, white, and blue "stars". :content: (Dick Cheney has offered to light the fuse.)

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