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Obama: Studpid, Naieve, or A Traitor?


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HH, The USD tanked under the care of GWB and the GOP ruled Congress. But don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs. :patty:


HH is reading Palin's Facebook page way too often. As you said, the economy crashed before Obama came to power and GWB initiated the bailout of the US banks.


Same, same in regard to the Middle East: GWB has destabilized the Iraq and at the same time empowered Iran by eliminating its strongest enemy.


And I guess HH has lost the perspective on atomic warfare: It does not matter at all, if the US has 1.000 or 5.000 atomic bombs. The US only needs a dozen of them to destroy the whole political/economic system of the industrialized world. And no any other power would be able to destroy the American atomic bombs in a preemptive strike. So what? The knowledge does not change the geo-politcal landscape at all.


The reaction of the US conservative proves that the ghost of Dr. Strangelove is still present in the endless floors of the Pentagon.



How do I insert youtube videos? :help:

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I don't know whether or not some of you guys just don't want to admit that Obama is in way over his head, is a socialist idealogue bent on global socialization, or just too thick to see the political, economic, andsocial map he has charted for the U.S. Sure, the economic problems in the U.S. began before Obama took office, but all he and his fellow travellers have done is make the situation worse by more spending and more borrowing. Any dumb fuck can see what continued borrowing by some Euro countries has brought...and yet, Obama and friends either don't learn from others' mistakes or don't give a shit. I noticed that nobody has tried to refute the socialist/marxist tag I've charitably bestowed on this asshole. All some of you can do is chant "GWB, GWB,GWB". 555555555555555555 At some point even the dumbest of the dumb will have to reach the point that they will realize that GWB has been out of office decades ago. Then what will they blame Demoncrat follies on?




BTW, Kamui...I don't follow Palin's facebook page or any other sites similar. I don't need politicians to tell me what to think or draw pictures for me. However, interesting to learn that she has a following other than here in the U.S.

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HH, at least Obama hasn't started any new wars that can't be won.


In my view, he has already attacked the U.S. But come 2012, he'll be history...unless (before and mercifully) his fucking plane crashes while he's on one of his boondoggles. :yay:



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On October 30, 1969 Richard Nixon signed landmark social security and Medicare legislation increasing much needed benefits to widowed seniors who now receive 100 percent of their deceased spouses Social Security benefits, and extended medical coverage to 1.5 million beneficiaries.


HH, was Nixon a Socialist/Marxist? :devil:

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Some of the best forms of Socialism are implemented by conservatives.

I grew up in the 50s under the Menzies' government and all public utilities were publicly owned, electric, water, gas, hospitals... education was free and full scholarships were readily available to tertiary students.

Later conservative governments sold it all off and it's now a great incompetently run pile of privately owned garbage.

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You mean the guy in the White House who recently said he would allow off shore drilling to resume is a rightwinger?



<< I don't know whether or not some of you guys just don't want to admit that Obama is in way over his head, is a socialist idealogue bent on global socialization, or just too thick to see the political, economic, and social map he has charted for the U.S. >>



But other than that he's okay. :hmmm:


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HH said <<>>


Then he said <>


So, yeah, obviously no hate there. Lots of denial, but no hate.


Probably also in denial that the economy is rapidly improving, that the U.S. has been demonstrable more safe from foreign attack than it was in Bush's first year (no 911 on his watch and the latest attempted attacker was caught within 3 days), that the unemployment percentage is coming down and new claims are the lowest they've been in 2 years, that he accomplished health reform and financial reform is just around the corner. The banking industry has gone from near collapse to record profits (which is unusual for most Socialsits to preside over) All in just over a year.


So, tell me again about how he is so far in over his head.


So should his plane actually go down the on.ly ones for whom this would be a merciful act are those who hate America...Al Queda and the Republicans.

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