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Obama: Studpid, Naieve, or A Traitor?


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You're an interesting guy HH. Can you explain to me like a sixth grader exactly how Obama is a socialist? I see him as a moderate Republican type myself. But then again, I am on the outside looking in.


Heralthcare? What Obama championed was a 1994 Republican answer to Clinton's proposal in its entirety. But you must have something else right?


Funny that unless you make more than $250K/yr, your taxes have lowered. If you make more than that, I cannot feel sorry. because even then, your taxes when up only on the part that is over $250k. And then there is the fact that the US has the least taxes of any industrialised country.


So again, I ask you to define you point.


Do you really maintain that a shitty businessman and insignificant state governor is better poised to nuke someone? Or an actor who's best known for making movies with monkeys? How about a haberdasher?


You can rag on Carter all you want, but numbers do not lie. The reality is that Carter's GNP growth results are better than Reagan's (and Bush 1 & 2's). So once again, I ask you your point?

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First. I think going after health care so early was a big mistake. I also think he spent more money than he should have. Way more. However thats the small government/fiscal conservative in me talking. Maybe he's trying to spend his way out of the bad economy. Not a new concept and one that is typical of Democrats. Not saying it won't work but its not unexpected from that party.


I also think that the U.S. is already a quasi socialist state, only exceeded by most of the European nations. Frankly, we don't have far to travel down the road to being the same as the Europeans. I think we Americans have fooled ourselves into thinking we're some idealistic bastion of individual freedom, etc. etc. We are a socialst state in fact if not in name. Been that way for a while. What institutions are not government run directly or by fiat nowadays?


In fact the Europeans some years back were on the road to decentralizing while we headed in the other direction. State run oil, utilities, etc. were privatized in europe and went to a market economy. We did the opposite to some extent. As soon as we have a crisis in any industry or institution we have had it either taken over by the government or run by fiat with rules and regulations.


Nixon was just about the most liberal president. His strategy was always come from the far right in the primaries, centrist in the general election and govern from the left to get re-elected. Only a conservative with a lifetime record as a virulent anti communist could go to red China and not be labled a commie. Just like only a person with the closest of ties to blacks could have gotten away with dismantling social welfare and not be called a racist (Clinton).


I won't give Obama credit for the good economy nor will I blame him if it goes in the tank. I'v come to realize the institutional forces at play are much bigger than the office of the Presidency. With the exception of health care I also don't think McCain would have done anything significantly different. He was already for the bailout. I think he would have scaled back in Iraq as well knowing in hindsight it was folly and that he would inherit the enmity about the war that Bush got. Just a guess.


As far as the nukes. The russians lost a bunch when the USSR dismantled and the former satelites got a lot of them as they were already there. Besides we now know they were far less capable of maintaining a nuclear arsenal because of the costs. Shockingly unable.


Its not the Russians we have to worry about when it comes to nukes. The chinese probably know more about out nuclear capabilities than we do.



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HH' date=' at least Obama hasn't started any new wars that can't be won.[/quote']


In my view, he has already attacked the U.S. But come 2012, he'll be history...unless (before and mercifully) his fucking plane crashes while he's on one of his boondoggles. :yay:





Sounds like you are saying Obama is a terrorist. Interesting.

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I don't know whether or not some of you guys just don't want to admit that Obama is in way over his head, is a socialist idealogue bent on global socialization, or just too thick to see the political, economic, andsocial map he has charted for the U.S. Sure, the economic problems in the U.S. began before Obama took office, but all he and his fellow travellers have done is make the situation worse by more spending and more borrowing. Any dumb fuck can see what continued borrowing by some Euro countries has brought...and yet, Obama and friends either don't learn from others' mistakes or don't give a shit. I noticed that nobody has tried to refute the socialist/marxist tag I've charitably bestowed on this asshole. All some of you can do is chant "GWB, GWB,GWB". 555555555555555555 At some point even the dumbest of the dumb will have to reach the point that they will realize that GWB has been out of office decades ago. Then what will they blame Demoncrat follies on?




BTW, Kamui...I don't follow Palin's facebook page or any other sites similar. I don't need politicians to tell me what to think or draw pictures for me. However, interesting to learn that she has a following other than here in the U.S.





HH, if you remember, the Conservatives initated [color:red]"Stop Hillary Express"[/color] in which Conservatives were adviced to register as Democrats and vote for Obama in the primary so Hillary would not get the nomination. [color:red]Some claim it was this move by Conservatives that got Obama elected.[/color]



Those Conservatives are really smart people, don't you think so HH?


If Obama is a socialist and Conservatives got him elected, what does that make Conservatives to be?

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Earlier this evening I was in Berkeley having dinner at fair trade communally owned organic restaurant run by lesbian feminists who frequently monitor the internet for improper content. They asked me to foreward the following to you:


Dear Mr Hoy,


We are disgusted by your comments, and have blocked them from our WiFi system. While we normally hate censorship and view it as fascist, we feel it is different when we do it! Especially since we know how to do it properly.


We feel you are in some serious need of re-education and training, and maybe a spiritual cleansing and herbal rub and bath. Some healing crystals and yoga would also help! Stop eating red meat and drinking non union made republic supporting beer and get with the program. Your presence is no longer welcome in Berkeley you non environmentally sensitive fascist bastard. We would berate you more, but we have to gas up the land rover and drive to an anti oil and pollution save the dolphins rally. -Gretchen Dykeman and my life partner Louise Nocock Chair PERSON'S of the Berkeley committee for free speech and expression

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I was asked to pass this along to you...:


Mr Phil,


How dare you patronize us! You lousy no good red meat eating woman slapping sports loving, stand up to urinate scum! It is men like you who oppress us! At least we made some inroads in your country by having a woman rule you! granted she is old and ugly and no self respecting dyke would nibble it, but you bow to her, a woman non the less.


We look foreward to the day when the world is ruled by vegetarian women rather than flesh eating males, then maybe you will all know what PMS is truely about. No my partner and I are off to the Sperm bank to get a donation and a turkey baster and make our own perfect baby, a non gender child with nothing but love in it's heart.-Heather Bloodpad and Carolyn Flowfree

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