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5 Ridiculous Ancient Beliefs That Turned Out to Be True


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There was like a BBC documentary (or somebodies) and they filmed and examined and checked and concluded that the actual ark was somewhere in the mountains of Iran (no sure, but in that area).


Most likely something on youtube about it or a bittorrent.


A snopes might say and the same as me :dunno: just keeping an open mind.

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There probably was a disastrous flood in ancient times that inspired the tale. It just got better in the telling. Still, could any wooden object have survived thousands of years of exposure to the elements? Over the years, pilots and others have claimed to have seen the ruins of the ark in the vicinity of Mount Ararat. The most likely explanation is that if they actually did see something, it was a much later replica built by some early monks with nothing better to do - perhaps as some sort of shrine.



Some have suggested this was the flood.


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