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The esteemed philosopher is scathing of Mr Obama's plans to salvage America's ailing economy, saying that his policy solely consists of 'financial confidence and food stamps'.


He adds: 'He has spent trillions of dollars to rescue the moneyed interests and left workers and homeowners to their own devices.'


The politician admits that if Republican candidate Mitt Romney wins the election 'there will be a cost... in judicial and administrative appointments'.


However, his most barbed remarks he reserves for the Democrat leader saying that Mr Obama has 'evoked a politics of handholding, but no one changes the world without a struggle'.


His summary of the past four years is equally scathing: 'Give the bond markets what they want, bail out the reckless so long as they are also rich, use fiscal and monetary stimulus to make up for the absence of any consequential broadening of economic and educational opportunity, sweeten the pill of disempowerment with a touch of tax fairness, even though the effect of any such tax reform is sure to be modest.'


Most of Mr Unger's comments seem to be politically to the left of Mr Obama, but he insists that the Republicans would be no more destructive than the Democrats as 'the risk of military adventurism' would remain the same.


He's against Obama for the right reasons. Obama hasn't been progressive enough in some areas in my opinion as well. He's continued the erosion of civil liberties.

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The cops seized Rodney King's pot plant after he drowned.

Flawed man personally and its sad he didn't use his money and notoriety to make a better impact on the world.


I recall those years and times of his beating and the riots. What is not widely known is tha the riots morphed into a class struggle. 20% of arrests were white (mostly Hollywood area). Poor or working class whites and hispanics started looting as well.


With regards to cops stopping blacks that for DWB (driving while black), it was so common that one didn't even ask another black male if it happpened. You assumed it did EVERY black male I know had a cop story. I recall even being stopped in a suit and tie a few times. I lived in the San Fernando valley for a time in LA and in my first management job I recall the SAME cop stopping me on successive nights in Reseda, while I was coming out of a supermarket and I was in a white shirt and tie. He recognized me the 2nd night and had this look that said 'I can't use the same excuse again'. Numerous famous black males said the same things about getting stopped while in their luxery cars.


I had absolutely no problem if someone dressed like a gangbanger gets stopped. In fact, I'd insist on it. However, in those days it was any black male no matter what he looked like. There were also the few cops who'd stop you if you had a white woman in the car. Done more to embarass you in front of her. I dated a kiwi girl in LA who said she was with 3 black uni friends in a car and the cop stopped the car and asked her if she was okay. She was yelling at the cops and one of her friends told her to be quiet that its them, not her, who the cop would take it out on.


What frustrated blacks in the Rodney King thing was the feeling that the larger society had proof of the allegations that was being made for years and via the jury trial (which to blacks represented the larager society) said we still don't care. Not fair but it was the prevailing sentiment at the time. OJ was an extension of that feeling.

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Miles Davis lived in Malibu and said in the '60s he actually had to call the police department to tell them he was leaving his house and that he was Miles Davis driving such an such because he was stopped so often. He moved because it got too tiresome.


Anyway, in other news. Roger Clemens was found not guilty. So glad to hear that. What the f*ck is Congress doing looking at steroids in sports? The various leagues do that job. It was a total BS waste of time done to get cameras in front of the Congress. Complete and utter bullshit waste of time and resources. The trial was more about lying to Congress. Just like a city prosecutor, you pick and choose what to take to court wisely based on a variety of factors.


Lying to Congress about arms being sold to Iran to pay for Contras? Prosecute the hell out of that. Lying to Congress about WMDs in Iraq? Put the friggin' full weight of the federal power on that ass. Lying to Congress about arms or whatever to Arab spring events that you should be at least letting the committees involved in know? Prosecute them. Lying to cover up the use of banned substances? Especially in light of it being none of Congress' business in the first place. At worst, a public statement about them possibly lying. If that. Give me a f*cking break. The Congress is such a full of shit body it isn't funny. No joke, were I a member of Congress I'd have said its complete BS to be looking at this crap.

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WTF?! Are they this friggin' bored in Congress? Give me a friggin' break.




Giving voice to the outrage over Timothy Bradley's controversial split decision over Manny Pacquiao, two senators introduced legislation Monday that would create a special boxing commission to oversee all matches in the United States and restore integrity to the sport.


Miss any action from Saturday night's fights? We've got you covered with the best shots from Manny-Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who boxed while at the U.S. Naval Academy, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., a former middleweight boxer, are pushing the measure establishing the U.S. Boxing Commission, an entity that would carry out federal boxing law, work with the industry and local commissions and license boxers, promoters, managers and sanctioning organizations.

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Something for you birthers. I just saw an interview with a guy named Maraniss who wrote a book called 'Barack Obama: The Story'. He spoke about some inconsistencies and embellishments of Obama however, he seemed very impartial. When asked about the birther issue he said that that he interviewed people who were there and friends of his mothers. On the say he was born people who knew his mother called each other. Her nickname was 'Stanley' and they recall people saying 'Stanley just had a baby'. Also, he said that Obama's father was being watched by what was the same as the INS back then and watched closely over possibly visa violations, etc. and it would have been impossible for Obama to have been born overseas and they not know.

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