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There has got to be more to this.

The US gives or sells guns to foreign governments.

US private gun importers buy these same guns from foreign lands and brings them back to US to sell in the US.

I smell a rat.



"One new policy will end a government practice that lets military weapons, sold or donated by the U.S. to allies, be reimported into the U.S. by private entities. The White House said the U.S. has approved 250,000 of those guns to be reimported since 2005; under the new policy, only museums and a few other entities like the government will be eligible to reimport military-grade firearms. "



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What about private collectors? I know some military arms collectors who have fantastic collections built up over the years. Once the US govmt has sold them, why is it their concern if private individuals want to buy them from wherever? (There are obvious limits on the types that can be owned by civilians.)

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The Shocking Tales of 11 of the Most Over the Top US Police Paramilitary Raids and the Innocent People They Victimized


The proliferation of SWAT tactics has resulted in wildly disproportionate responses to suspected crimes.




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Former President George W. Bush, who was invited but missed the event because he is still recovering from heart surgery, issued a statement calling on “every American to help hasten the day when Dr. King’s vision is made real in every community – when what truly matters is not the color of a person’s skin, but the content of their character.â€

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.), who earlier this year retraced the 1965 march from Birmingham to Selma, Ala., called for Americans to “rededicate ourselves to ensuring equality for every American.†And South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, the only black senator, described himself as “living my mother’s American Dream.â€

The Republican National Committee went a step further by organizing its own event at the Capitol Hill Club to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the civil rights landmark. A number of black conservatives attended the event, including former U.S. Rep. Allen West of Florida and T.W. Shannon, speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.


Former NAACP Chairman Julian Bond told MSNBC Wednesday that event organizers invited “a long list of Republicans to come,†but each declined. A spokesman for Speaker John Boehner acknowledged that Mr. Boehner was invited to speak but instead had marked the anniversary by speaking at a July event commemorating the march in the Rotunda of the Capitol, with other top lawmakers including Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.).

I read that right now, the last thing ANY Republican wants to be seen is in a picture next to Obama. MSNBC's Hardball mentioned it as well. Its been said it was the undoing of Crist of Florida. Jon Huntsman, former Presidential candidate was ruled out simply for accepting an ambassadorship to China in the first term. Even though he was very qualified for the job and we needed someone like him there. Tim Scott is a black Republican. With Colin Powell being the only exception I can think of (and he was never elected), every elected black Republican I can think of is far to the right, extremely far. This goes the same for women, latinos and all non white males. NOT saying its wrong or something is wrong with it but if you're a non white male republican, and especially so for ethnic or racial minorities, you need to be farther right than anyone else or you're suspect. haha...You don't have the luxury to be moderate. You can be a minority moderate in the Democratic party. There are many of them but not on the right. And the LAST thing any Black republican wants is being in a photo next to Obama. That's why I said, he didn't want to be there. Neither did Alan West, or anyone else. Look at Scott's politics


elected to the House in 2010, declined to join the Congressional Black Caucus.[50]

In March 2011, Scott co-sponsored a welfare reform bill that would deny food stamps to families whose incomes were lowered to the point of eligibility because a family member was participating in a labor strike

That person isn't upset about not being invited to speak on the same dais with Obama. Look at Jindal of Louisiana. Very conservative. Farther right than the leadership. Same with Cruz. Same with West in Florida who during the '08 campaign, kept referring to Obama using his middle name Hussein. So, on one hand IF Tim Scott wasn't invited, that could be seen as a slap but I think the real truth is he wouldn't have went anyway.

I really don't think a moderate or even slightly right of center minority Republican would be successful in getting elected these days. Maybe...in a large urban center as a mayor but not in any statewide election, certainly in the south. They have to 'out-conservative' if I can make up a word, the opponent.

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This judge needs to be gone. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/29/20249745-protesters-demand-judge-in-montana-teacher-student-sex-case-step-down?lite

The rape was statutory on a 14 yo girl. Not forcible but a HS teacher worked on her emotionally and mentally over time she personally consented (but not legally being a minor). She committed suicide later, suggesting she was troubled. The guy is a classic pedo. He WILL do it again. He was close to 50 and she was 14 and a teacher. The judge gives him 30 days because the girl 'consented' and she was 'older than her chronological years' according to him. So the f*ck what? 14 is 14. MS and HS girls have crushes on their teachers all the time, that's normal. Acting on it by a teacher is criminal. If hat was my daughter or my friends daughter or relative daughter, the guy is getting his ass beat. Sorry, won't mince words. He is getting his ass beat. The sad fact is he will try again. That type of pedo can't help it and can may be control it with lots of counseling...maybe.

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When I was working on my California secondary teaching credential, I used to be a substitute teacher. I was a young guy about 22 and I used to get hit on by very cute 8th and 9th grade girls (age 14 or 15). Some of the bolder ones would lean over your desk and "accidentally" rub their boobs against you. It was frustrating as hell, but you simply KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF UNDERAGE WOMEN. What part of that is so hard to understand? :banghead:


Kick this idiot of the bench and lock the perv up for good.

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Now what, Mr Prez? :hmmm:


Iraq war ghosts end UK plans to take part in Syria action




"Commentators said it was the first time a British prime minister had lost a vote on war since 1782, when parliament effectively conceded American independence by voting against further fighting to crush the colonies' rebellion."




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LA Times claims Democrats led passage of Civil Rights Act; Larry Elder rebuts




Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.


Even the ultra-liberal blog Raw Story acknowledges the vote totals:


When we look at the party vote in both houses of Congress, it fits the historical pattern. Republicans are more in favor of the bill:


80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats did. Indeed, Minority Leader Republican Everett Dirksen led the fight to end the filibuster. Meanwhile, Democrats such as Richard Russell of Georgia and Strom Thurmond of South Carolina tried as hard as they could to sustain a filibuster.








But I wonder what would happen if the vote were taken today ... :dunno:

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