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Yet Another Buffalo Story...


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I've changed quite a few details here for security's sake, but the gist of the story is spot on:


My landlord of many years had a condo he rents out but he was going to work in Europe, so he asked if I could keep an eye on the renters. Well, soon after he left, the renters decided to move out so I emailed him to let him know. He asked if I could find a new renter--he said if I did he'd give me 20% of the rent.


I decided to give it a shot (what the hell), and that's how I ended up trying to rent out a condo, which I have been doing for several years now. The story gets interesting with the last two renters.


Renter #1: A beer bar owner from a western country. Upon the end of the 6-month lease, he decides he wants his deposit back (1 month) and want to go month-to-month with no deposit. I say that's not possible, and he decides to leave. The day before he's supposed to leave he calls me and explains that his gf had a baby and the baby is not his and asks for a bit of time before he has to go. I acquiesce.


This goes on and on (I believe the original story was true, but my showing compassion made him try to exploit me), but eventually he left with gentle pressure on my side (not until he had made threats to my person).


Renter #2 (current renter): Very nice western guy with Thai wife, was a soldier and now living on his pension. Had a very good feeling about this guy from the beginning (unlike renter #1) but his wife was ghostlike--never came to any of the meetings I had with the guy to arrange things. He's been in the place for a year and a half now, everything going great.


Well: Tonight I get a call. Can you guess?


Yeah, his wife is preggers and it's not his baby. Sheesh. Talk about coincidences. I really feel for this guy. I had a feeling about his wife, but you can't act on stuff like that.


I told him he's better off. He seems like a bloke with his head on his shoulders, so eventually I hope he realizes it's for the best.

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