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Travelling by Train from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok


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Singapore to Bangkok by train: The whole train journey from Singapore to Bangkok is 1,946 km or 1,249 miles and involves two or three trains, depending on where you want to stop off. I'd recommend stopping at Kuala Lumpur and Penang, both fascinating cities. So stage 1 is to take a train from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, either one of the daytime trains (train 2 or 12) or the overnight sleeper train (train 24). Stage 2 is from KL to Butterworth (the station for Penang), with a choice of two daytime trains (train 10 or 2) or an overnight sleeper (train 22). Stage 3 is to take train 36, the 'International Express' leaving Butterworth at lunchtime and arriving in Bangkok next morning, with a comfy sleeper. It's up to you whether you travel from Singapore to Bangkok all in one go in 48 hours or stop off and see places on the way, as each train is booked & ticketed separately. All 3 trains can be booked at any railway station in Malaysia or Singapore or by email with Malaysian Railways.




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