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The Anything Goes Music Thread!


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I hear you Limbo.


It is so cheesy it is addictive


For the record I used to work and live in Gangnam district of Seoul and appreciate the piss take


These guys are a comedy act from Norway, have a weekly TV show and they recorded it as a skit, Starfast the Norwegian producers who do Rhiana and that bird married to JZ Beyonce thats her name, they produce all that shit and they lost a bet which meant they produced this pile of crap.


The title of this thread is "Anything Goes" forget scraping the bottom of the barrel I am going underground


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Whenever I travel I only have 3 pieces of luggage Suitcase, laptop and guitar, I like my guitar.


Rural Northern Vietnam a bar and an open mike session, i thought fark it play an old Ron Davies tune, sort of sums life up ... it ain't easy I can only find bowies version on YOUTUBE


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