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Differences Between Thai And Farang


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Differences between Thai and Farang men


Thai men won’t pay child support

Farang don’t want to pay but are forced to by the government


Thai men drink all the time

Farang do too they just don’t get the girlfriends to pay


Thai men go to Karaoke for White Chinese looking girls

Farang go to beer bars for Dark Isaan girls


Thai men will sleep around on their girlfriends

Farang don’t want a girlfriend so they can sleep around without any guilt


Thai men lie to girls

Farang don’t have to lie, they are in limited numbers so the girls have little choice


Thai men get the girls to pay

Farang pay for everything



Differences between Thai and Farang women


Farang women have lots of headaches

Thai girls never do


Farang women eat too much and don't care

Thai women eat less and do care


Farang women take money from Farang

Thai women are given money by Farang


Farang women like diamonds

Thai women prefer gold


Farang women are boss in household

Thai women same but pretend not to be



Just joke not meant to be serious :)

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Not much of a joke about the first one which I'd say is way wide of the mark in any case.


(Some) Farang men pay child support because they believe it is their duty to support their offspring and ensure the best possible start in life for them. Thai men care nothing for their children or families and are only in it for what they can get out of it, short or long term.

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I believe that one of the issues raised by the feminism of the 60s, 70s and 80s is that the pendulum was pushed too far in the favour of women, now the pendulum is starting to swing back and it will inevitably swing far back, in the male direction, but not quite as far.


Eventually there will be an equilibrium, where the notion of equality, will be amended to one of equivalency and people will return, to concentrating on quality of life, rather than what they are missing out on, because some activist told them so.

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I had a neighbour in the California who came home one day to find his kids all waiting to be fed and a note from his wife saying she'd left him for another man. The Mrs said he could have the children, and she didn't want anything. Just goodbye - period. The guy was a high school teacher and had a hell of a time taking care of his kids and working too, but he did his best.


Then his wife sued for divorce. He said to hell with her, let her have it. He didn't counter sue - big mistake! The judge gave custody of the children to his ex, plus child support, plus the house, plus alimony! The ex promptly moved into the house with her new guy. She didn't marry the new guy, because then the alimony would stop. Don't you just love California?


p.s. The teacher was hard pressed to pay all the money the judge said he "owed", but he did finally marry a cute 19 year old former student. At least that pissed off the middle aged ex-Mrs.

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