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A Rant, A Rave A Little Whinge


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Travelators aka moving walkways as often found in Airports etc, what the fuck is up with some people as soon as they step foot on one they loose the use of their limbs and stop fucking walking. What the Fuck is Wrong with these people, off the flight and to immigration in the shortest possible time is my edict, don't dilly dally around, Woman, Children, Handicaps and Scotsmen I don't discriminate "OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY ASSHOLE COMING THROUGH" Nearly as bad as people who stop dead when getting onto an escalator, I have sent more than one person ass over tit down an escalator in my time, "OOPS SORRY SOM NAM NA ASSHOLE"


SELFIES, now what the fuck is the craze with people taking photographs of themselves, bangs head on wall, in Korea they have freaking 1.5 M long brackets to hold ones iPhone or Galaxy at the correct distance and to be able to take the perfect SELFIE, BITCH you are stood in a departure cue, I am sure you look pretty but if you want to do that shit then FUCK OFF out of my way and stop waisting my time. Rather than get mad I prefer to get even, photobomb the idiots, if ever you see a selfie posted online and there is some guy in the background flipping the bird or tongue hanging out there is a good chance that would be me.


Immigration, don't get me started on that, admittedly my passport has limited space in it for additional stamps so I had my arrival card in my passport on the page where I wanted the stamp I even told him so, what did the idiot do took the card out and started going through my passport, "Your Non Imm B has expired" Err sorry I am not entering on my Non Imm B that was cancelled when I closed my company back in 2011, OK OK, your Non Imm O has expired, Yes I know I have not declared my expired Non Imm O on my arrivals card just give me a 30 day stamp, "But you have Thai Wife" Yes I do, having a Thai wife Entitles me to a Non Imm O but it is not a requirement to have one, supervisor called over eventually after going through every page of my passport my entry stamp was put on the page I had identified 10 minutes prior.


Mrs Kong and I play a little game, who can be through immigration first, so after tossing asides Handicapped Scotsmen from the Travelator, Photobombing Koreans taking Selfies and having to explain immigration rules to immigration she beat me by 2 minutes.


OK Rant over

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