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Apple Watch


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On a positive note, the reported feedback from tester groups is that they spend very little time, fumbling for and looking at their iPhone during the day.


This watch may not be an end, in and of itself, but possibly a way to minimise the 'attention suck', that is the last 10 years, of the world staring intently at little blue light screens.

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On a positive note, the reported feedback from tester groups is that they spend very little time, fumbling for and looking at their iPhone during the day.


This watch may not be an end, in and of itself, but possibly a way to minimise the 'attention suck', that is the last 10 years, of the world staring intently at little blue light screens.


"Users have apparently said that using the Apple Watch means they tend to use their iPhone much less – probably because they can act on tasks and notifications right away without their phone. One user told TechCrunch that they almost stopped using their iPhone during the day as a result."


To labour the point, I personally don't see why I would pay money for an apple watch, it would mean having to upgrade my phone from a 4 to a 6, upgrading my access from prepay, not always on internet, to a dollar high, make the phone company happy, internet always on, plan.




even though I don't want one for what it brings, now I get it, it's what it takes away from your daily experience that's important.


And that's the appropriately coined phrase, 'Attention Suck', people can start behaving like people again.


I'm not sure it'll stop insta-face-witters being glued to the phone, but for the rest of us we can get back to a world where we look and talk to each other...

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