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And there, my friend, goes a sucker.


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I was stopped at lights last night when a Farang guy struck up a conversation with me. He asked me if I lived in Thailand and I said that I did... he asked me if I would mind if he asked me some questions because he wanted to come and live here.. I agreed and told him to follow me to a bar.




The guy told me that he wants to retire here... he's only about 30 - 35 btw and his fiance would like to move to the town where I live.




He told me it had always been his fiance's dream to manage a Salon... and that he is going to buy her one.... 'either here or, what's the name of that other place sugar? Oh yeah, Pattaya.'




I asked him about his fiance who he told me he was bringing to Canada to marry. 'So, how long have you known this girl then', I asked. 'Six weeks.' 'And you're getting married?'. 'Yep, she doesn't want to but I really do.'




I told him in a friendly way that he shouldn't really rush into something like that in a country like this, or anywhere for that matter. Maybe he should leave it a while and see how things go.




His reaction was hilarious. 'You don't understand buddy', 'I could tell you things that're goin' on in my life right now that would blow you a way.'.




First he tells me that the day before he met her she was on a date with a guy who had been.. 'I dunno, I guess waiting to marry her for five years or somthin.', he offered the girls mother 500,000 baht to marry the girl but she turned it down because the daughter was so in love with him.




Then he tells me that they have no idea that he's wealthy..' I'm so lucky that way man.' - heres a guy going window shopping for a salon for his lovely fiance... and they have no idea he has any money.




'So I know this is the real thing'.




My friend interjected saying...'well be careful, we've just seen so many disasters with people rushing into things here'.




'No man' says the newbie', 'You don't know anything about these people, they're so good hearted.' , 'They would never do anything to rip me off'.. 'I've heard these stories too, that's why I'm being careful'....




He wouldn't listen to a word. Then he asks my friend how long he has been here. 'Five years', my friend answers. 'And how much Thai do you speak?'. 'Fuck all', replies my friend. 'Well I speak pretty good Thai considering I have only been here six weeks'.




Off he went... If he gets ripped off.... Som Nom Na.




The man I describe above is a Muppet.













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To bad you couldn't find an honest local to sell him the Taksin bridge! smile.gif The other day at work, a few guys I don't know stopped by to ask a few questions about LOS, another co-worker had told that I had been there "once or twice." So I answered their questions as best I could (I don't know it all, I just play that way smile.gif), when this other chuckle fuck comes up and tells them not to listen to me, as I know nothing about Thailand, or anything else for that matter (he has been to LOS twice). He explains that all the girls love us farangs, and any girl is available etc... (he is serious mind you). He told them he never had to pay for sex, etc...never got scammed etc..."...just put enough money out, they come running..." What an asshole!


As for your Canadian friend...well, I hope he proves you wrong, but I'd say the odds are against it.

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