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Shirts with dirty faces


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I'll keep this short and simple.

I help out at a school where once in a while a couple of young kids (aged 10) present themselves in an Osama Bin Laden-shirt.

Sadly I see this shirt too often in LOS.

Everytime I see that face on a shirt, I get this HUGE URGE to step up to the wearer and rip that ugly bearded face off his body.


But these are just young kids. They don't know who that SCUMBAG is.

But the parents probably do know.

Would it be a bad thing to discuss this with the parents?

And if the parents aren't willing to get rid of this face, would it be acceptable to refuse to teach a kid with such a shirt?


I know people should wear or dress their kids as they please, but we're talking about the Muslims' Santa Claus here.


OR....should I just ignore this whole thing? This may be the best solution for all, but for me deffinately not the easiest as I will then be comfronted with that face for as long as I plan to work there. ::

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I wish thais would realize that they could be as sensitive to others as we are towards them when we respect the monarchy and their religion. It just does not make them look very good to allow Bin Laden on clothes. Maybe we could all make a point of e-mailing our nearest thai consulate, and (kindly) tell them how we feel. Thais want the respect of the world and the recognition that their country is more than about young girls selling flesh. But as long as anything that makes a buck can be sold, they will stay 3rd grade world citizens.

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Sure I find the shirts in poor taste, but because of my belief in freedom of expression and my belief in capitalism I cannot complain too much about them. So long as the person wearing it isn't being violent ala his mentor, what can I do.


Besides in a way the image of Osama on a shirt being sold is a pure example of Western capitalism, and the protection of the wearer a personal liberty, two things that ole bin Ladin wants to destroy. So the wearer is in effect supporting the opposite side.


A different way of looking at things, but thats my two cents worth.

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I saw a guy in an airport -- was it the San Francisco A/P or maybe in China. He was about 30 and he had a big fat OBL tshirt. Poor taste has no limits. I would have liked to shove it up his ass. That would have been my freedom of expression.


This was probably 3 - 4 months after Sept 11.

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Freedom of expression is fine but there has to be limits. Would it be ok to wear a shirt promoting murder, rape, killing of babies? No of course not. Wearing a Bin Laden shirt promotes terrorism and killing of innocent human beings in the mind of anyone who knows anything about Bin Laden.


I say send the kid home with a note to his parents explaining why this shirt is not acceptable.












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