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Sudden Swelling of Hands and Feet


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Have you looked into excess fluid?


I don't been beer consumption. Excess fluid can be a serious condition.


I recall when I was in hospital for 11 days for deep vein thrombosis I was in a hospital ward with 3 others, 2 look like death warmed up and one, a flighty chap who looked great. He had excess fluid. I was shocked when 3 weeks later I heard he passed away, whilst the others are all still alive.


Your health is the only thing you really have, get a second opinion pretty quickly.

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Had similar symtoms, swelling of hands, feet, and face after flying back from Venezuela about 10 years ago. Went to the hospital and they treated me for an allergic reaction and put me on an IV with anthihistamines (if I remember correctly. But, allergic to what, I don't know, since I don't have any known allergies.


Incidentally, I have had gout and tested high for uric acid concentration. Used to have severe pain in my large toe, and sometimes in my ankle. Immediate antiinflammatories and lots of water help alleviate the gout quickly. About 4 years ago went on a daily regimen of 100 mg. of allopurinol everyday and have ner had another attack. The same goes for a good friend of mine whose attacks were much more severe than mine, he tried the allopurinol and has live attack free for 3 years now.

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Don't know about the worsening during the attack since I never had another incidence. However, in speaking to my doctor (reviewing all my current perscriptions) he also mentioned that allopurinol would not help during a gout attack. As for side effects, it has never bothered my stomach or GI tract in general. Doctor was initially concerned about effects on my kidneys, but said that dosage, 100 mg., was not high enough to be concerned and was OK for long-term use. I have had blood tests on a regular basis to confirm this.


Allopurinol lowers the uric acid concentration to my knowledge. Anyway, just a suggestion for those suffering from gout. Should consult your own physician anyway in all cases. As stated, allopurinol is very inexpensive, $10 for a 90 day supply here in USA (without insurance, at any Walmart or Sam's and match by almost all pharmacies if you quote them the price elsewhere) and very cheap and prevalent in LOS as well.

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Would gout attack all his joints and hands and feet at the same time?



A few years ago, my doctor checked my blood pressure and noticed it was up a little more then she would like it to be. She gave me a diuretic to take. The next day, we flew to Bangkok. For about 50 days, I had gout [color:red]'coming out'[/color] from all over.


Before this event, I was prone to one gout attack a year.

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