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Everything posted by Redbaron

  1. Some blasts from the past there... I guess as we get older other things in life seem to take priority... sorry to hear about Moo Noi, he's on a similar forum here in oz where we exchanged recommendations some time ago - met him a few times in my heyday and seemed a nice bloke. Old Hippie - one of the greats - always spoke of catching up but dates never seemed to match. P127 - always defending the girls IIRC - met him once, him and the Hippy were mates from memory but had a falling out years ago (10?) Suadum - hope he's well, we used to catch up in Melb and BKK when we were in town - had some great nights with him, and lots of laughs... Happy to say with social media etc I am still in touch with some of the scallywags I used to knock around with in my LOS and UK days - I reckon 2016 is as good a year as any to organise a reunion...
  2. Redbaron

    Farang Police

    Is it possible he is on some sort of .... don't know what it's called but like a student exchange program for police?
  3. The operative phrase being, "A few decades ago" - let it go, we have leaned, and are not proud of that day.
  4. Deep Jack, very deep. You should write a book, the talent is there and there are at least a dozen guys I know who'd buy a copy. Age is in the eye of the beholder mate, or something like that. Whenever I walk into a bar in Thailand I am still 28 meeting jack for the first time, only this time without the 'tail.
  5. The Interview isn't " our historical symbol of free speech " - it was just made out to be that because of the ban. It would have been interesting what would have happened if (insert this wee's number one enemy's country here) had made a movie about killing a US president - what would have happened.... having said that, I thought the interview was a good laugh. Nothing more, but definitely nothing less.
  6. More to the point is there going to be a send off? A booze up? If so I'm in - would love a good excuse for a holiday. Seriously, well done on a good job while you were (are) in LOS, admittedly I stopped reading the "Weekly" years ago - I think I have grown out of the Thai-fever I (we all) had. I do have a look every now and then but it has been years since I have been a frequent visitor there, and most of the places mentioned I don't recognise. We met a few times at Woodstock and Gullivers, and you seem like a decent chap. Best of luck with whatever you end up doing. Yell out if you are ever in Melbourne, I'll let you buy me a beer.
  7. Didn't they have a massive protest some years back, which threatened to break into a civil war about having to work after the age of 55?
  8. From a selfish point of view, that's a good thing looking at cheap flights and accommodation etc...
  9. I remember that well, it was embarrassing to say the least (the whole "Cambodia Issue"). Start a thread on Cambo and invariably it ended in tears. Said that, I guess he would have been an interesting guy
  10. RIP mate, I dread the day ours goes, my son will be gutted. Part of the family for sure.
  11. Yes they do. Jetstar would be cheap too. Mel-Bkk was 250 odd each way not long ago, Perth likely cheaper
  12. Wow - they are still pushing this thing? I remember when it all started and there were virtually no benefits, everything was just implied. 5 year multiple entry visa would be attractive to some people, and would save a lot of stuffing around. Note the * - subject to approval though. Works out to 120k a year. (100k x 20 years plus 20k pa for the subscription fee). If you were a mad golfer and utilised the 24 games it works out to 5k a game. Not bad since it includes access to a lot of courses you wouldn't be able to play unless you were a member, or knew one (I guess). The discounts at shops and hotels we all know won't be real discounts.
  13. One of the replies from his website puts it well.... You are obviously proud of being a gangster and some self proclaimed mafia type, why would you be so upset when you come up against the same type of people. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander right? Live by the sword etc You can act the tough guy all you want but remember where you are, you’re not on the Gold Coast now. Sometimes a bit of brains will serve you better than a whole lot of brawn and not giving a fuck. Good luck Something about lying with dogs and picking up fleas comes to mind. So he has lost some gold and cash, apparently.... And he's sure it was the police and not the original burglar who stole it all. Cop it on the chin and move on - I have never met the guy but (at the risk of sounding presumptuous) I'm tipping he has occasionally "obtained" cash by less than orthodox methods.... what goes around comes around right? He describes himself as an underground gangster and loan-shark boss as well as the #1 pimp, protecting over 600 girls on the game. professions that are illegal right? I wonder what his work permit lists as his profession...
  14. He'll be back by Christmas, and with a bit of luck does time. We don't need him adding any more to the gene pool. Lucky for his girlfriend and unborn child - at least now they have a chance at life.
  15. Have been watching this show, interesting - a good balance of morons doing stupid shit whilst on holidays, FIFO types who seem to fall in love at least once a month (this one's different) and genuine people in distress... the old couple who leave the bag in the taxi the other night I felt for, and was touching when the cabbie bought it back. Also the aussie couple who lost a child early on in the series was sad. Love Trudy - good mix of "take no shit" and compassion. The others seem nice as well.
  16. We laugh and joke but if people can save a buck, they'll take the cheap seats and complain about it later. Sitting at the front of the plane you'll get there quicker - off the plane first, luggage gets on the carousel first and then you can be first to join the 3 mile queue for immigration...
  17. I always thought medical stuff was the "exception to the rule". Especially when it comes to stuff you need to breathe... Comes under "common sense" buy ... yeah... I know photography gear also is exempt, as I don't *think* it is covered by insurance if checked in (or something like that). Other than that a good book is all I need.
  18. The prosecution is appealing the sentence - they want more time in jail. The defence's statement "Jail would be bad for him" - hardly an excuse not to send him there. They cited that he would not be allowed to use his artificial legs so shouldn't have to go to jail. Surely he is not the first amputee in South Africa to be sent to prison? We'll see, I wonder what the sentence would have been had he not been able to afford a good lawyer.
  19. Redbaron

    Moving Seats

    Jewish Sabbath is from sunset friday night, until sunset saturday night from memory
  20. Marry a Thai if you are in love with her (or him) - otherwise marry whoever you are in love with... or am I reading the riddle too simply?
  21. Redbaron


    Some countries *may* be only letting certain citizens take the test, therefore artificially showing their country in a brighter light... Which *could* imply NE Asians are the most dishonest when it comes to IQ tests. Africans, South Americans results show the test may be skewed toward English, or delivered in a way which is not easy for them - the rest about right at 100 odd.
  22. Million Ways to Die in the West - not bad for a giggle, Charlie Cheron looking good. Wouldn't watch it twice though.
  23. Thankyou cos, seriously.. lovely
  24. Trivia Question - since the Union Jack consists of the Scottish flag (St Andrew's?) - if Scotland ceases to be part of the Union, will the Union Jack change, and consequently will the Oz, NZ, Pacific Island nations with UJ's in there change as well? Can see the usual, "Change the Aussie Flag while we are at it" debate raise it's head yet again (down here) if so...
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