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Everything posted by YimSiam

  1. Stand just inside suk soi 4 for an hour on any given evening, and you will soon be acquainted perhaps not with the scale itself, but with every point thereon...
  2. I suspect the problem those tigers are facing is mainly drug withdrawal, from whatever it was that was ensuring that they would just loll around half-asleep while people lay on them and snapped photos... but yeah, could be hungry, too! Jonesing hungry tigers, nothing to play with...
  3. There's not really much of a thing as "Thai law" - it's what you can negotiate, taking into account all the variables and dynamics - written law and the decisions of courts are only one thin layer of the powers that contribute to 'Thai law", I think. Seems to me - and I have not paid any attention to the role of the monks in the ongoing struggle for power, neither the yellow patriarch-types nor the more rouge-y new-school monks like Dhammakaya (and presumably others). Even with the Dhammakaya guys being (I assume) somehow contra the mainstream, I assume they are still pretty much monks in the eyes of the people, which makes use of force or violence a pretty negative thing for the authorities - gotta negotiate something if they want them at all, and that will result in a reasonably mild result for the Dhammakaya types, perhaps. Just thoughts here - guesses, no background on this stuff, though I assume it's an interesting tangle!
  4. Indo's such a strange and dangerous mix... diversity and chaos and creativity, then Islam slapped over it like a heavy wet blanket... Glad there's sources of support for her - hope some of it comes from inside Indonesia...
  5. Lucky girl, jesus. Walks away - skips away, really - from what should have done her in.
  6. Unless you want to get embroiled in a shameful accident like this one, stick with the Star of Light; they hire only those with sufficient skill, and employ the most modern safety measures...
  7. Seems a brilliant idea to me - can't be worse that sucking down my pack a day of Marlboros, it just can't be. Problem is, most places I go it's either illegal, unavailable, or completely unreliable product - so waiting on this one for now. But looking forward to it, somehow. Hoping it'll help clean up my lungs a bit, at least. And hopefully be unfulfilling enough as an activity that I'll eventually quit altogether.
  8. The longer I've been out of Thailand, the more likely I think it is that I'll fall for the three-or-more-some - it's the kind of thing I might do on the first night with some go-go dancers, and then remember later why I tell myself not to do it so often. I've been out of Thailand a long time presently - well, four months, but I was drunk last time I was there, and hardly remember, so hardly counts... I would barfine for a threesome the first two young ladies trying to sell my on the Mercedes upcharge at the airport, even before Customs... better judgment be damned.
  9. Chaos is exciting. Let's have UK leaves the EU, and then watch the cracks spread through the whole thing... How long til Britain comes crawling back I wonder?
  10. I guess they like a credit card in advance - maybe get a few runners when the tests turn out bad news...
  11. Was always jealous of Jonas - of course, didn't want to be him and he had sort of creepy stage style - but I'll take waerth at his word and assume he's a good guy. Still, jealous.
  12. Ah, for a dance contest - even some photos of a dance contest! - to break the doldrums of work-sleep-work-sleep that I'm in... How'd this one go? Anyone attend?
  13. Decency is something to be strictly avoided in Pattaya. Half-decency is as close as I let myself get, and only on the first day.
  14. The consistency with which supposed lunatics report thought-reading mind-control experiments leads me suspiciously close to believing they may be on to something...
  15. Ah, the eternal question: how many angels dance on a pin? Numbers remain uncertain.
  16. Click the link all you want - just don't open the refrigerator door afterwards...
  17. I think I'm probably more inclined to pop in towards the end of my Bangkok time - when I can't be bothered with any of the nonsense, and just know what I need and that there, I will find it.
  18. Alone on the Wall, Alex Honnold and someone - quick light read, story of a big wall free-solo rock climber - superlative achievements, but writing an interesting book not one of them. Utterly fails to capture the insanity of what the guy does. Too bad - because it's a real question of how long he'll be around doing it... Bangkok Asset - the latest John Burdett. Keeping the income stream alive with the Sonchai franchise - seems mainly to require a mention of "Pat Pong" or "Soi Cowboy" every 30 or so pages... Burdett seems to have exhausted the real charms of the first couple books, the musings on Thai culture, mainly, has given way to a more straightforward model. But hey - anything about 40 years of LSD experiments is something I'm willing to read, especially when combined with Thailand, so - keep it coming. Dead Drunk in Thailand - Paul Garrigan. I pretty much skimmed, looking for something exceptional, sorry to say, for me, I didn't find what I was looking for - certainly others might. YimSiam
  19. Before watching the video I was thinking there must be some misunderstanding... perhaps smuggling yaba in a conveniently shaped aubergine, or something like that. But that's a pretty clear video... no smuggling, that's for sure! Maybe getting off, maybe off his head - maybe a pro working on stretching out his asshole... but fucking bizarre. So overt I tend towards bust's suggestion - a set-up. But jesus, even as an intentional film - who came up with the eggplant idea?!
  20. LoS flies by the seat of its pants so often, I sometimes think it's amazing they are able to maintain major production lines for tech, vehicles, rice, etc. Why on earth would the inspector state that 'if vendors had cholera, customers would get cholera'?! Sure, it might be true that that could happen (presuming it's the vendors' shit in those bottles...), but it's a bizarre spectre to raise... Also, note to self: when inspecting juice, if you see fruit at the production site, the product is genuine... Weird. Looks like someone wanted to clean out the foreign fruit product competition, and this is one step towards getting that done!
  21. The man could box - but more than that, the man could talk. Brilliant quotes from him over the years - one of my favorites is his "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." (Of course there's also his ""My conscience won't let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn't put no dogs on me, they didn't rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father... Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail." But I'll leave that one aside for now, as I suspect some will object to his draft position...) RIP.
  22. Amazing that they would carry out the contraband activities on site - with so much attention, they kept on with their other activities... bold. 137 tigers...
  23. I object to the idea that Flashermac is required not only to get a visa, but even to document his eligibility. Terrible.
  24. Once one conquers his fears, it's a reliable delight...
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