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Everything posted by buffalo_bill

  1. Does anybody of the esteemed gentlemen remember Howlin´ Wolf ? Which is why I love the US , nowhere else would he have been singing. But maybe it´s only because I had another bottle tonight. Don´t worry. I know I am right.
  2. Mr Sandwich I am now full of red wine and got to sleep, awfully sorry. I promise to come back on your comment by tomorrow. Point is: people desire to be lead by persons who appear to be strong. Cavanami for example thinks Trump is a great leader while he is virtually a piece of crap ( Trump). But he believes in him. 09:21 PM German time , got to sleep now. Tired and dizzy.
  3. I am going to build the BuBi library. To cover a larger number of donators from the Evangelists end I shall call it BuBi´s Christian Bookstore . Via satellite TV I occasionally watch US based stations where a well dressed idiot talks to a crowd of mentally displaced believers about God. And at the very end requests a donation for a Lear Jet. Ti fly to heaven I think.
  4. Mr Steve are you aware of fake press Washington Post´s findings that the beloved President let his properties charge ridiculous money for Secret Service people staying while accompanying him on his visits to aforementioned properties? Do you think any future president could fall deeper than the Donald? I don´t think so . The US should be prepared to vote for maybe Mike Tyson or Billy the Kid . Or Hillary .
  5. Gentlemen, looking at Bernie I doubt that enough people would vote for somebody looking like an old buffer who dreams of the United Socialist States of America or heaven knows what. Biden looks a bit worn out to my opinion and this man Butti???? would never make it anyway I guess. But now there is Bloomberg who called Trump a man who even lies about the spray that makes his face yellow. Great, this is exactly what the Donald needs. He might shoot everything dead by his money but which is far better than making vulgarity a program like the Donald. They are attacking him for his probably racist activities when he was ruling NY but that exactly might also get him votes elsewhere. I put my money on him. In the meantime : are there any confirmed news about Virginia´s coal industry booming due to President Trumps endless efforts in favour of the working classes? Did the agricultural sector recover from the consequences of Donald´s trade dispute? I read a very interesting interview with the boss of former Massey Ferguson; due to import tariffs on his China-built machinery they had to move the production out of China into , yes , Brazil. Congratulation . Many of their domestic US customers disappeared as buyers because they are bankrupt. US public debts now at 22 trillion, great.
  6. I support the proposal, nobody here does ever read this junk I guess.
  7. Mister, I am neither. But to know that this guy is sick in his head needs no doctor. It would actually be more interesting to receive an analysis why millions of members of the US Trump-Cult support an obviously disturbed subject like him. Why do previously reasonable members of the senate throw themseves on the floor in front of him and start licking his feet? Why can such an cowardly bastard insult a person like McCain and survive this unbelievable insult? I think the problem is less Trump but a large part of the American society. I propose to split the US between an East plus West Cost USRA ( United States of Reasonable Americans ) and USOA ( United States of Other Americans). Maybe the USRA should build a wall along their borders.
  8. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/06/politics/donald-trump-impeachment-victory-lap/index.html Any Bronx crack-addicted mother would have told her son not to use the language that this vulgar moron used talking to his Republican slaves. How is this possible, he is the President of the United States ??
  9. Sir, rubber gloves are the solution . This disease is a smear-transfer type.
  10. Mr Cav , Western values include the freedom to adore any moron that comes along . The price that has to be paid comes later when the show is over .
  11. Does anybody have a tel number of the Chinese government ? Ring them and say Virologist-in-chief Donald has the solution because in USA " We shut it down" . Any further comment is superfluous.
  12. “The president is lying,” Bloomberg’s statement said. “He a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan.” Which is how Bloomberg was talking about Trump the other day and which is the way to go . Primitive of course but that is what seems to impress US voters as it looks . Bloomberg responding to Trumps remarks about Bloomberg needing a box to stand on when talking to people .
  13. What a blessing, I hope it stays like that. Whenever we are in the area the most lovely Pam from Lao enters the shrine for intimate prayers, most likely asking Buddha to keep the BuBi-man alive til the new house is ready. Lately the place appeared to be flooded by Chinamen. Ananta Warisnaratorn should keep on selling overpriced flowers to her countrymen as she has certainly done before.
  14. I promise to do my very best looking at that particular task. Results so far excellent at both ends although you might expand the task on the maidens of Laos. On temporary basis. Although I may categorically exclude the idea of ever living in Siam, I would soon miss the advantages of the second best country in the whole wide world.
  15. Mr Cav I had a tooth operation early morning and being unable to work today I thought I could as well spend the time listening to the words of one of your internet heroes . After 7 minutes I had to give up because my capacity of taking in bullshit of that dimension is limited. At the beginning of that clip a man claims that the USA is the best country in the whole wide world. This statement probably is a result of never having been abroad or currently working for a gun factory. Please ring him and explain why you live in Siam. And then comes Nigel Farage, the man who thinks the UK will rule the waves again later this year. I am personally unhappy about the Brexit because I Iike the UK and foresee things going down the drain in the end for the following reasons. About half of the British export goes into the continental EU but only 7 % the other way. Would therefore the EU join Trumps world of foreign policy by establishing tariffs for whatever reason the UK would be fucked big time. Which could for example happen if BoJo and Nigel make the UK a tax haven or disregard the EU regulations for CO2 reduction. The other unbridgeable obstacle will be that getting away from fundamental EU rules like free travel or EU jurisdiction but keeping all other benefits could never be accepted by the EU. Farage wants trade agreements with many countries; good luck with Donald in charge at the other end. Over to you.
  16. Received mail from a Chinese supplier last night saying the government ordered all factories stay shut for another week after Feb 3rd which is supposed to be first working day after their holidays.
  17. Yes. Equipped with a bag of cheap rubber gloves, to wear all the time everywhere including plane. Plus a bottle desinfection cream which they use in hospitals. Then I would wear a mask just to feel better, not of much use though. Finally assuming you are in generally good condition and not about to die anyway soon. An influenza might be the nail in your coffin otherwise. A BuBi medical advice
  18. No, it precisely sums up the truth in Trump-style.
  19. The shockwave of our political knowledge shall hit Bangkok sooner or later and Mr Khunsauk will feel the impact while crossing Asoke junction on his Hollandrad. The lovely Pam, by the way , working in a half-serious massage Soi 18 area meets Chinese customers all the time. Very much afraid of course and I advised to ask the gentlemen if they had Bat soup, batburger or similar recently.
  20. PS: I shall keep on posting today til the Khunsanuk cries for mercy
  21. Famous statesman and diplomativ genius Donald Trump found out there is an election coming with a large Jewish clientele and Bibi Netanjahu from Israel found out same. So they decided to organize a big nonsense show claiming that peace would be near in the Middle East if only everybody involved would sign Mr Kushner´s line of ideas. To make the Palestinians jump with joy they proposed to finally confiscate most of the settlers areas, allow the Palestinians a capital in kind of a suburb somewhere and declare Jerusalem ( all of it ) capital of Israel. Excellent. All Palestinians are currently assembling to praise peacekeepers Trump and Netanjahu , probably calling their future capital Trump-City. I heard trump on the radio this morning sitting in my motorcar. The real frightening aspect is that the Donald really seems to believe that any Palestinian soul might agree to this masterpiece of a comedy.
  22. Neither the origin nor the final structure of this virus have been identified. Many virologists are working on it and the result shall be published accordingly. After the outbreaks in the past proper tools are available. I pray it is not Beer Singh that is the origin.
  23. Sir, although Europe´s leading political analyst I do not fully understand the impeachment-mecanics. What I do know is that it is a political act and does not belong to jurisdiction. Would the latter be the case I am sure the Donald would be put behind bars weeks ago. I translate the process into the German environment although we do not have ( thanks God) a presidential system: Election coming and the Merkel establishes a lawyer seeking contact with the Ukraine to help r promoting dubious material against the son of a political rival who tries to become chancellor. To make the Ukrainians understand what she wants she would withhold substantial aid which has already been approved by the parliament til Ukraine agrees to her request. I estimate the survival time of candidate Merkel as probably 1 week and she would be slaughtered by the public and her own party.
  24. Mr Cavanami being a reliable source for any kind of internetbased nonsense this is another fine example. Fatality rate of 15 % would mean about 900 dead against 6000 infected. Would I have to visit China right now I would just do it by wearing a ( useless) mask and rubber gloves at any time except possible boomboom. This virus spreads by physical contact and washing hands all the time is essential. In general: the current panic-virus causes influenza-like disease with feaver and could be fatal to people whose body-defences are weak because they are old or sick. This is not the black death. The current panic-virus is much less lethal than the yearly ordinary standard influenza-spreading that kills thousands of people in Germany alone each winter. ( Cav : due to migrants, Merkel, coloured people and general socialism). Unless the Chinese stop eating anything that moves it will happen again and again.
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