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Everything posted by passingthru69

  1. Merry Christmas all from the States.
  2. Yea, she never saw me on a good night. 555 I think it was her polite way of say I was a cheap arse.
  3. Kind funny is there were about 3 of the steady ladies there we would buy lady drinks for. 2 would drink orange juice or soda, but the 3rd one. Well she could pound down the drinks.. We kinda put a limit on the drinks. lol.. But they would still sit and chat with us. I could get into town and they would say that your one friend. Call them by name was here last month or such. Even though I would already know that. 555 One lady who I bought lady drinks for kept telling me that if I wasn't married by the time she got her 2 kids out of school that her and I would marry. I said why? we never have gone out together, I'm fat and I am short in the "John Holmes" dept. 555 She said no problem. You have a good heart and are careful man with your money.. I about fell over laughing. Last I heard she hooked up with some Aussie and they were happy together. Spend time in his home country and then some up north at her house, that she built from her earnings Got to give her credit for that. She was not a drinker any times I saw her, even if sitting with some one else.
  4. He was in a good strong union.. Makes it hard to fire them....
  5. I just liked the people watching from there. Only once did I ever take a lady from there. Not one of my better things I have done...
  6. I will miss the Golden. Only started coming over in 2002. But spent quite a few afternoons there with friends when we were all there and then times when the wife was out shopping in the city. Nice safe place for me.
  7. You would be surprised how many ex navy seals / ex special forces guys are driving trucks here in the States.. 555 Sit inside of a truckstop and you hear these loud mouths.. I have only met 2 true former special forces guys in my life. Weird thing is I worked both of them almost 8 years before I ever found out. Something that neither one of them talked about much, which I understand
  8. I liked the one part in the video. When showing the Nana it has on the top NEW.. So it makes it a very old hotel now and I think some of the first welcoming ladies are still there with their grand daughters side by side.555 Then the poor guys being led out in cuffs....
  9. Fiery Jack, You have such a way with your words. Wish you the best, but it seems you love the bottle more than yourself.. Just being blunt..
  10. Yes, That is the old Golden in the back ground. Had many good days sitting there watching the world go by and chat with friends.. Kinda like the Old Hog's Breath.. I miss that place also...
  11. I remember growing up and seeing those pics. I was mid teens at the time.. I thought she would never make it. glad she did. I have read other stories about her and her life. Very brave lady
  12. Yep, They do have their own laws and police force and tribal lands. They have some old laws that have not been updated in awhile either. Years ago I worked for a company that sold some equipment to a native american. He died, so they went to repo the equipment. Nope can't do that. So yours truly got sent up there for 6 weeks to work the stuff and it was a different thing for a 20 year old kid working on a reservation. I mainly just kept to myself and did not venture out. They gave me a mini law book to read and said do not get thrown in jail there. Oh gee thanks boss
  13. Yes they may of had treaties, but read about the trail of tears.. where the native american indians were forced to walk from south Fl. all the way to western Ok.. Many people lost their lives and the new american white guys could of cared less. Go travel through some of the reservation lands here in the western U.S. Alot of the towns are filled with trash along the road ways and the homes built for them are almost trashed.. The jobless rate is very high on the reservation land also. North Dakota did have a good run with the oil field boom and some of the gas and oil reserves sitting on tribal lands..
  14. That was something I never knew about or did not remember. Don't think that was in any of our U.S. history books in high school
  15. You haven't flown on any U.S. based airlines lately have you? You look at them funny and they want to throw you off the plane. Fat arse cows. Yes they do have a tough job, but they are on a power trip now here in the states
  16. The EPA rules for Ca. are the most strict in any of the states here in America. My semi truck is not legal for that state any more. I'm not going to spend 190,000 U.S. Dollars just to run out there with my trk. IT's a 1999 model. I could spend about 5000.00 and install after market system to meet their rules, but it causes the motor to run hotter. There are aftermarket software systems one can buy to bypass the computers here in the states if you know where to look They just happened to get caught.
  17. Could be, Heck you might be the next feature for the "Asia Street meat series".5555
  18. Wonder what caused it to fail?? Was it overloaded and some one over ride the safety switch, not properly setup or what. I know on the newer cranes any time there is a overload so to speak, the cranes system will record the pick and apx. weight. Plus then a lot will shut down, not allowing the lift, unless some one overrides the safety shut down. Then it's recorded in the history. Hope they find the real cause and hold the people accountable
  19. Yea, most countries police forces cannot reward themselves like that. But this is Thailand. 5555
  20. My wife and I both have been there several times We usually go at least once every time we are in Thailand
  21. Yea some of my wife's friends have been sending pics I told her I really don't need to see them So sad what has happened
  22. Had that happen to me years ago on a small plane. I they had issues with one plane and it had to turn around. So when the next flight comes in, there were alot of people waiting for the next flight. I with the first flight being late missed my flight to Narita.. I'm on the plane and they are looking at me and several other people. He says seeing how you missed your flight and we have issues here, do you wanna take a taxi to Msp. I said let me gues, I'm to fat and and too many people. Smiling the whole time. Well you and several others. Ok, So got a free room/ meals. Plus the cab ride. Thank goodness it way only like 70 miles
  23. My feelings on the photo proof is this. Most places to cash a check or recieve money even from a wire transfer you need photo Id. Well Western Union says you can have a test question and answer setup. But to vote I believe you should have a valid ID from a US issued agency. Plain and simple.. No ID no vote...
  24. Not any worse than going down on the local drunk whore at the corner bar who will shag anyone who buys her drinks....
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