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So who else REALLY want to be an Expat in LOS ?


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It may have sounded like a complaint, but that's not the case here at all.

I'm just trying to improve things a bit, which doesn't mean I'm unhappy with the current situation. ;)


I agree with you the expats living here, at least the majority, arrived by chance rather than planning.


It would be nice, better yet perfect to work here as an expat, but I'm not counting on it. Curiosity struck me about how when and what, that's it. :)


LHL, break your legs. :grinyes:

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bottum line is always a good point & I must confess plenty of regrets already at this early stage of my life :o

I'm even prepared to accept 'local' job as long as it's competively paid in compared to local marked & expense level, but actually I think it's harder than getting the expat deal :dunno:

in the end though it all boils down to your commitment of change & what you do about it, so back to work or fun ;)

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"I'm even prepared to accept 'local' job as long as it's competively paid in compared to local marked & expense level"


This is exactly my viewpoint working over here. Unfortunately until you are clued in you will most likely be lied to and taken advantage of. Severely. Very short term oriented over here.


I've been lied straight to my face by what I thought were "respectable" business people. They have no shame when called out about it as well. Having said that, there are good people as well. Just have to be discriminating.


Unfortunately, unless you have contacts, it's tough to know what the market is really like.



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It's a great idea but let me take a step back.


What is business when you get right down to it. Trust. Trust that the counterparty is going to fullfill their obligations. There is no trust.


The people who you are likely going to meet with this idea are people who you can't trust and people who are not clued into what's going on here. Those that are clued in don't have the time to weed through these types of groups to find the good nuggets.


Whilst its a bit harsh I dont think this is far off the mark. We started the Mastermind group as an open forum with the same idea and its very slow going.


What we have done, however, is to launch a web site www.thailandoncall.com where service providers can list their businesses and offer members a discount. Its an open site and no one gets charged for listing nor for registering as a member. We are also working on a resource archive with the objective of filling in the gaps between this forum and the one on This is Thailand.


Its a project which will take time to develop but its not costing anyone anything and its intended to be nothing more than a point of reference and springboard should an opportunity arise.


I am retired but am still curious and looking for stuff to keep me busy.

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As my business area is no longer profitable, my employer will put me out to the retirement pasture sometime within the next few months - probably by mid-year. At that time I expect to move to BKK and am thinking of spending a few months studying Thai language and culture at Chulalongkorn University (next intensive class starts June 18).


Subsequently, if the idea you have put forth seems to have the potential, I could be a resource on location for the group. So, keep me in mind for the future and perhaps something mutually beneficial will develop.


PS I will be receving an adequate pension, so I will not be running off to find some employment to help me pay next months rent.

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nice site - probably a good idea


There is a lot that still needs to be done to the site but the idea is to provide like minded people with a point of reference or just a place to gather and exchange ideas. No commitment, no risk and no pressure. My intention is to build up a core of people I work with and to do just enough to keep busy.


At this stage we are looking for businesses that come with a personal recommendation who we can contact and list if they are prepared to offer a nominal discount to our members. Secondly if anyones interested in taking things a bit more seriously and they want to do something similar on their own we can clone the software we use and customise without it costing an arm and a leg.

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I'd be willing to be an expat in LOS. Either in my own field or a totally different field. In terms of a business I'd be more cautious the more of my own fund I'd have to invest, less so if its more 'sweat' equity.


Trust or rather earned trust is the most important factor in my opinion. Also, any entrepreneur knows that any business takes a lot of time and energy, long days, more likely 7 days a week to get started and running. This is typical whether you are in BKK or NYC. However, I know that after a time I wouldn't want to work 14 hour days, 7 days a week all the time. There would be time to enjoy life and if I am going to do that I might as well do that in falang-land and earn considerably more for my efforts.


However, I would be willing to be involved in a discussion and exchange of ideas.

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