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the shower


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>The "shower" is a way for her to create space and maintain a business realtionship. As a long time resident I myself HATE that kind of behavior.


(not responding to you, just using your post as last)


Shower is a must. As long as you make clear you are not avoiding it, there is room to move.


Somebody suggested you take shower together, that's a good idea.

If she goes first, when you come back you may find her covered in sheets, glued to some Thai show on TV and yourself in a position to make excuses for your very presence!


Some girls like doing that if they are still going through a hangover from the previous day or, for whatever reason, not feeling like "working".

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Shower or no shower, you gotta get your money's worth. You are the customer. make her work for her money, unless it's a freebie :bow: it's best to take freelancers, they're more into experimenting straight away as opposed to "I must shower first" attitude you get from gogo girls...

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Yes you are right, it ruins the mood a bit. One my last trip, I had a few girls who were up to just getting to the sex, no shower first. I either got them drunk or barfined them for multiple days. Drunk, they might have lost their inhibitions. The multiple day barfines, you 2 are together all day long, and if you usually end up taking multiple showers throughout the day anyways, so she already knows you are clean. I can't say for sure, but I'll bet they don't shower first with their Thai boyfriend or husband before sex, just my speculation. Since that might be the case, it may be better to shower first.



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Heh heh. Well, no I don't think so. I'm usually showering and putting on fresh clothes just before heading out. I usually dress a tad nicer than most, with biz shirt, long pants, nice shoes...


don't think that's it.


I'm startnig to think it's more to do with the types of girls I go for. Young and stand-out pretty.


Had a hellish situatino with one last few days, but that's a whole other thread. Really, so bad it was classic.

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I believe you wandered into the wrong thread here.


The members are talking about real showers, you know, with WATER. Not the golden type of shower you are used to enjoying with your business partners. :)


Nice to see you last night at the Big T (bring back the Man With The Small Head!) and I hope you enjoyed your shower with that lady who looked like Medusa. ;)

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I like your style.


You have made a number of posts posing questions that everyone who has come to the LOS has asked. I know I have.


Also admirable is the restraint and quality of responses you have had from the members, especially the old hands. On some boards you would have been tarred and feathered and thrown into Casanova.


Yes, I really think the shower first deal is a bit of a put-off at first, but when you get used to it, it isn't so bad. It does give you a chance to gather your thoughts (especially necessary if you are a bit ding dong after a night in the bars) and plan your next 'strategy.'


I am fortunate in that I have more than one bathroom in my apartment and we can take simultaneous showers. I have actually grown to enjoy the grand entrance of my lady in her towel and the subsequent unveiling (assuming there is not a topographical map of Nepal on her stomach :)).


So, just go with the flow. Every once in awhile you will find a horny little number who will rip your clothes off and not demand an immediate washing of you and her. Those are rarities though. Unless you wear a t-shirt like Rusty that reads, "Do Me NOW."


Keep asking those questions that come up in your mind. Very interesting discussions.

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Good seeing you at the Tspot as well. Aside from not seeing the Man With the Small head we were treated to Curly Mullet and French Wig Mullet Guy......I would say that is a successful evening.

Medusa was not bad........


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:devil: "The inner whore"


That's great but so true! I like the shower cz it's so Dang Hot in LOS. However, it's not letting her shower first and then when she does give her clothes you've bought for all your "hotel whores" to put on. After you've hidden the camera and had a bite to eat have your way with this HW. :devil:

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well thanks... I think. I wasn't sure if you were being ironic about liking my style. Also didn't realize my questions were tar and feather level. I meant no harm, I swear. ;-) Whenever I come across some situation that leaves me thinking "what the ....?" I jump on here and try to find out if other people had the same experience.


I can see that my newness is the main problem, unfamiliarity with the ways of this strange world.


It's great to hear all the feedback though, particularly when people don't all quite agree, as in that thread about kissing.


Map of Nepal, eh? Yeesh.



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