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How does Thai Health Service work?


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In the UK we have the good old National Health Service that we all love to knock due to its being so chronically under funded by central government.


I was talking to a GTG on my last trip about all sorts of things and we touched on health care and education. I know someone in BKK who's son was run down and subsequently killed by a hit and run driver and I was trying to remember what the GTG said to me about health care but can't! Must have been too much beer!


If someone has an accident in Thailand (a Thai) do they get free medical attention at the point of need like we do in the UK, or is it like the American system where you have to pay for treatment?


If the latter, will the hospital decline treatment until they know they are going to get paid - even with a critically ill patient?


I'm just curious about this as I have a number of friends who work in both UK and USA hospitals, the BG friend who's son was killed is not hitting on me for cash!



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almost free care in government and university hospitals


You have to pay a registration fee (about 20 B) and you have to pay for the medicine (which will be cheaper bought in a hospital than bought in a drugstore).


Care in these institutions is sometimes very basic.

Private hospitals (which are not necessarily any better) want to see money. Not always before treatment, though. If the patient looks like he can pay (eg he is a farang) they may treat him first.


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That is the first time i have heard anyone say that medecines bought in a hospital are cheaper that a "street" pharmacy


Dr's at clinics charge a fortune for simple medications such as anti-biotics compared to street pharmacies.


Yes, hospitals will refuse treatment to Thai's even if critically ill if they can not prove they can pay or the money is not handed over. I know of a woman left on a trolley till her farand husband turned up with money. There was also the famous case back in 97 after the crash when a tuk tuk driver who was stabbed by robbers saving his passengers gold. He was refused by three hospitals until he died.


I would like to see how others think the 30THB health system is working in Thailand because i have not heard many good stories and hope to hear some.


Basically it is still pay at point of service in LOS and nothing like the UK NHS

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Thanks for the information guys, I was just curious to see how the system works. Obviously the cost will be lower than in Europe or at least I hope they would be!



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Drugs bought from a government or university hospital -

as opposed to a private hospital or a clinic - are quite a bit cheaper than drugs bought from a "street" pharmacy.

Seems like you confuse hospitals and clinics.


The money you have to hand over to get treatment nowadays - it's not 1997 anymore, we are in a new millenium after all - in government and uni hospitals is really just a nominal fee.

Eg at Chula you must have registered once, this will cost 20 B.

These 20 B are not much even for poor Thais.

The care you will get for these 20 B is as good as in many western countries, especially the UK.

The next time you go it is completely free, as you have registered already. You just pay for the drugs.

The drugs can easily cost several hundred Baht, which is not cheap for poor people.



Private hospitals are free to do whatever they think is profitable. Eg they do not admit SARS-patients.

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How about operations? Do you have to pay for those say like in a private hospital in the UK or USA? Whether you have registered or not?



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thai health service comes along in any form from top excellent worldclass until third world level. unfortunately in many cases you get what you pay for.

of course there is a basic service in public hospitals for 30baht; however there are many reasons not to rely on that, as patients have to wait and wait (i know of a emergency case in which the patient died before a doctor found time to see him after a couple of hours); or the examination is done by students (i know of a case in a hospital with a very famous name in bangkok in which a total wrong diagnosis could have fatal results for the patient, if i did not bring him to a private hospital, where things were fixed for a lot of money).

and the 30 baht scheme does not cover expensive medicine and surgery; in this case poor families have to collect and borrow money otherwise the patient will not survive

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Thanks for the input Samak, this is how I thought the system works :eek:. I suppose we have a lot to be thankful for in the UK with free care at the point of delivery. Even so now with so many cute Filipina nurses over here :hug:



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