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BG's gains and risks taking a farang upcountry?


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About the language thing: if it's a Khmer village she's from (sounds likely, from your description), then they will speak Thai only when dealing with outsiders. Some of the older people in the village may not be able to even carry on a conversation in Thai (for example: my wife's mother).


I have been to those ruins (well, there are several sites, I've been to a couple of them) and yes there's a steady trickle of farangs and other foreigners that visit them. The locals are quite used to seeing us in the flesh so no worries there. In any case the reaction to outsiders in Thailand is seldom violent. It's usually more of a shrug. BTW the ruins are interesting, there are some that are less than a km from the border and there's still a military presence there with the odd sandbagged large gun in evidence. Apparently these areas were 'hot' until pretty recently and even still they are not 100% secure from things like banditry -- Cambodians sneaking in in the middle of the night to steal blocks from the ruins and such.


You will quickly be able to size up how she really feels about you as you will be on her turf. For example, watch whether she runs interference for you when the inevitable requests from the village layabouts come for you to fund their drinking come in. If she seems interested in helping separate you from your money to help them, run like hell. If she helps shoo them away, this potentially bodes well for your future with her. Also, you can see if she acts to include you as far as the language thing goes, or whether she lets you sit there out in left field.


Good luck and have fun -- though my advice is that one week is too long. Three days would be adequate.


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Says BelgianBoy:



While I do appreciate your postings on this board, espaecially after you had a drink
, I do not really appreciate them in this forum as there are sensitive subjects discussed here.


I hope you understand the little reprimant.......


Cheers - BB - moderator




Your gentle reprimand is both timely and deserved, indeed perhaps overdue. I am sure that many other board members are in full and hearty agreement with your rebuke and cautionary words in my wretched direction. I stand squarely admonished and suitably chastised, and pledge faithfully that, henceforth, I never ever shall soil, sully, pollute or diminish the purity and splendour of this most sober, serious, and sensitive of forums with my asinine, puerile, unfunny, arrogant, obscene pornographic ramblings.


I apologise unreservedly to all members for any offense, embarrassment and annoyance which may have stemmed from perusal of my ill-advised, tiresome, tedious postings here. Please forgive me.


jack :(

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Your 180 degree twists on posts can be quite creative even if they don't always make sense. I've seen a few of them now and never take any offense to them. No big deal but come on, give me a good twist to make me laugh out loud. A good joke every now and then is always welcome! Bibblies catches me by surprise with some great ones.



Thanks for your moderation. Its good to know consideration is expected on your forum especially when some of us gradually stop thinking with our penis' and more with our brains and hearts. Well...mostly. :: I see you and FJ have a little history of bumping heads. Hope it all works out. Thanks again!

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Says LutherA:

If you are going to stay for more than three days, take a book with you. My recommendation: Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa (more than 1000 pages) - for reading it of course, not for the paper


I'm very curious...why this book LutherA? I've never read it. Others have mentioned that time goes really slow upcountry and the conversations are mostly between them so boredom is a possibility for us poor farangs. I am painter and sketch artist so I plan to take a few materials for my stay in village hobby.

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Says ib13:

About the money matters I'd say she should be able to negotiate with the bar for you NOT having to pay BF as her boyfriend & for herself she would just expect whatever she normally expects from you staying with her in bkk

Wow, that's a good idea ib13. Never thought about working the mamasan angle to get out of paying the BFs. I have no problem paying her my usual- she's worth it- even if I suspect she will go very conservative on me and not put out during the trip. I'll give it a shot with the mamasan. What do you suggest I try if mamasan refuses or my BG/"girlfriend" wants me to pay up the BF?


BTW, thanks to all that have contributed. Its great stuff and I'm taking notes! -Maxal

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Says maxal:


Thanks for your moderation. Its good to know consideration is expected on your forum especially when some of us gradually stop thinking with our penis' and more with our brains and hearts. Well...mostly. :: I see you and FJ have a little history of bumping heads. Hope it all works out. Thanks again!




Thanks for the words, but do note it is a public board, so it makes it "our" forum, I only moderate here in my free time. :angel:


And yes, because of the nature of the topics, I prefer to keep a tight ship :), one can relax in the BBar, where much more is allowed / tolerated.


As for FJ, I do enjoy his postings, great sence of humor and lots of imaginagion, just sometimes it is not appropriate, and no, we never bumped heads (yet) :)


Good luck upcountry.....


Cheers !

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