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Government blocking web sites


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I belive CS Loxinfo together with the Royal Thai Police have practiced censoring/blocking for quite some time already. Or did they lift that ban?


Anyhow, a strange country this one. You're never more than five minutes away from a whore house in the City...but lots of resources spent on suppressing Internet porn....

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the committee has already blocked access to hundreds of local pornographic web sites.


I don't get it, rather than shut down these illegal local businesses, they instead are creating a bureaucracy to manage them! Also, there are lots of existing parental control technology. Seems such a waste to ignore all this and start from 0.


...will block violent online games


Is this illegal? If not, then what is the reason behind this? For instance, if there were a connection between violent games and violence, Japan would be the most violent country in the world. Studies have shown violent games actually are a way for people to get violence out of their system.


He also noted that the filtering would slow down Internet access.


OMG, Nnnooo!! yet another artifical bottleneck between LOS and the real world.


We have an online meeting every morning to discuss what web sites should be filtered


Can't imagine how spending so much time and money on this was approved when there are so many seemingly more important things not getting attention in this country.


(M-Web president Craig White) The system in the long term is not practical since it requires too much money and effort, he said, citing similar attempts by the Chinese government. Mr White's suggestion is to focus on educating people about the benefits of the Internet and let them decide for themselves.


The committee needs to people like this represented in their decision making!


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I still start to get a bit upset and angered when I see/read about the latest gov't idiot pronouncement - but i just stop and consider where i am..... Not too long ago there was the big crackdown on driving and red lights etc. A points system was set up and would be enforced blah blah blah. Was briefly, naturally, now everything is basically back to normal. The PM publicly states he, yes HE, will solve all the bangkok traffic problems in 6 months, the new airport will be ready in time, etc etc. Ban ads for drinks, whoospeedoo. Ban sales of alcohol at petrol stations...... funny how that one seems to have gone away ::


Purachai - what can be said? Played golf with some friends last weekend - one guy had to pee in a cup the previous evening when the police raided Soi Sarasin. Sounds scary, no. Well, NO - as a matter of fact. One of the serving girls at the bar happily provided some clean urine for 100 baht... :D


Apparently a big 'pee' bus is on site too.... so everyone goes on the bus and pees into a cup... with no supervision. Errr.... doh.


While playing our round i happened to notice his bottle of water with a top up of Lipo would be a perfect substitute also if the maids are a bit short.... just a thought.


Stupid politicians - just ignore/laugh at them.



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Anyhow, a strange country this one. You're never more than five minutes away from a whore house in the City...but lots of resources spent on suppressing Internet porn....


It's all about global face.


In their twisted view of reality the Government believes that they can affect the world view of Thailand as a den of sex for sale by removing Thai porn from the internet. It's the same thing they've been trying to do through media censorship. It's just amazing they can't understand that the reality of life in Thailand and if nothing else word of mouth will always leave their country with the taint of being perceived as one of the world's P4P capitals. And like everything in the land of myopic perception over reality, TIT. :doah:


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Just my cent worth.


IMO the current government / PM is looking at Singapore and Malaysia and would like eventually to have a much cleaner society.

It wouldn't surpise me if in the next few years (maybe a bit longer) a lot of the current type of nightlife will slowly dissappear. Most Thais are quite embarrassed by their country's P4P status but like the income it generates. If Thailand becomes convinced that it can attract just as many foreign tourists without the large P4P scene, it'll slowly fade away. Believe me if I say that this is the objective.

Thailand doesn't want the sex tourist but does want the money they bring.


Of course there wil always remain some P4P here (as anywhere in the world, but it'll be less obvious.

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