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One thing I worry about is the kid getting enough Milk, sad to say, it seems we have over fed it, and I am the culprit!


Growing up in Australia, I would regularly drink a carton of milk or bottle a day easy! I was worried about being here, because I grew up in Singapore as a kid and can remember not getting fresh milk and hateing that!


So I make sure Jing oe has lots of milk! Too much it seems!


It's not that jing Joe has gotten fat - but the problem is, and I never knew this, and neither did the DarLek, is that a baby that goes to sleep with milk in it's mouth can get "Milk Rot" or simply, bad teeth.


In Jing Joes case, she has her two front teeth half missing, not very pretty, mostly because of sleeping at night with milk.


This happens after a kid is one, and begins to get teeth.


Considering she's had lots of calcium etc, I thought she would be ok, but the local child care people who checked her out when she had her last shots done told us to give her flouride tablet at night.


Bummer - my fault too!



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>always has a drink of milk before bed and has perfect teeth so far.


Several poor Thai folks told me they had not had milk to drink in their childhood. Hardly ever. "Milk only for rich".


JB made me think - is it behind their generally nice teeth, even among low classes? How could it be, where the calcium for the bones comes from? Tofu? Or teeth need fluoride and that's it?


Looking at Japanese girls today....omg, have never seen so many with bad and neglected teeth. They must had had enough milk to drink if they wanted to.

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Yep - It is when they go to sleep with the milk in their mouth!


Very annouying, as I hate bad teeth on poor thai kids, and here is a little well off one with two front teeth with big chips!


Daddy very very sad!


So - we are weaning her off all milk, which has had the very nice effect of her now eating a lot more local food.


She's 19 months also by the way

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Hi Jimmie Blonde,


I explained my wife your baby's case and she advises you the following:


The worst thing you could do is letting your baby sleep with the milk bottle. It's highly recommendable to drink water after the milk and then brush before sleeping.


The "Milk Rot" you're talking about, Nursing Bottle Caries, is most likely due to the fact that the sugar in the milk is left in the baby's mouth and does its 'work' while the baby is asleep.

Furthermore, it's recommendable NOT to add sugar or honey in milk or use sweetened milk for the baby, rather the (most) natural kind you can find.


I'd also like to point out that babies should stop drinking from the bottle at the age of 12 months and start drinking from a cup for the development of their swallowing 'skills'.


The fluoride tablets you're giving your baby at night is OK as long as it's been given (recommended) by a dentist or if the fluoride level in the water you give your baby daily is known.

It might get enough from the daily amount in the water, which would make those tablets unnecessary.

Although the tablets do have a positive effect for the eruption of the permanent teeth only as the milk teeth are almost fully developed (the baby should have the complete milk teeth set by the age of 2).


Please do check your baby's teeth after her 2nd. year as the problem seems to be the front teeth only and isn't a severe case (yet). As soon as the lower front teeth start showing the same symptoms then it's definitely a bad sign.


Most important: Give water after the milk and NEVER let the baby sleep without brushing first, even if you have to wake the baby up for it.



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Japanese as well as Chinese and I believe Thais as well don't like milk. The bad teeth don't have to do anything with milk consumption but rather with eating soft food all day. They hardly use their teeth. It's a matter of food and not of milk.

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