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I found myself getting pretty careful about where I got haircuts after picking up a bad case of dandruff after a haircut in an up-country shop.

I always get that "dumb farang" look when I ask them to clean the scissors and comb, but they usually comply.



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nothing really - once a while a cold (where i am always nearly dying from... ::), that's it.


funny with everybody talking about the earwax problem - i never have that problem here, but as soon as i am in the west i get it big time.


for respiration problems, what helps me is toughing my lungs up, smoking a lot - that helps... really, most people i hear complaining about the air here, and about respiration problems are nonsmokers. ::

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Says dddave:

I found myself getting pretty careful about where I got haircuts after
up a bad case of dandruff after a haircut in an up-country shop.I always get that [color:"red"]
"dumb farang"
look when I ask them to clean the scissors and comb, but they usually comply.

:banghead: Noted. Cleaning the scissors and comb (and especially using a new razor) may be good ideas, but if I'm reading this below article correctly (and it is pretty technical so maybe I'm not :dunno:) I would venture that you are safe from picking up dandruff from a barber shop :grinyes: . Now, you could pick up many other "things" :down: from the barber shop, especially if you frequent the shops that are normally prominently featured on this esteemed forum :up: !


Cheers! :beer:

Dandruff/Seborrheic Dermatitis


Dandruff (pityriasis capitis) occurs when the scalp sheds larger than normal amounts of dead epidermal cells. It is sometimes associated with seborrhea where sebum production is excessive. Dandruff shares some features with seborrheic dermatitis, and both conditions are frequently treated with common topical medications. Seborrheic dermatitis generally affects body sites in addition to the scalp, including the forehead, nasolabial fold, eyelash and eyebrow regions, and the outer ear.


The peak incidence and severity of dandruff occurs at approximately 20 years of age. Dandruff appears on the scalp as small white or gray scales. In the presence of seborrhea, the scales may appear greasy and yellow in color. The greasy scales combine with exudates to form crusts, beneath which the scalp is red and moist. Shampooing removes the scales temporarily, however they return within several days.


Dandruff is associated with fewer cell layers in the outer most portion of the epidermis, however the cells are often irregular and display a rapid turnover rate. The reason for the rapid turnover is uncertain. For many years dandruff has been associated with the presence of yeast/fungi of the genus Malassezia or Pityrosporum. At this time, the species Pityrosporum ovale is considered the main causative agent, although some investigators argue that the altered flora of the scalp is secondary to increased epidermal proliferation. Seborrheic dermatitis has also been associated with the activities of Pityrosporum fungi. Effective therapies of both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis have been linked to agents that inhibit these organisms.

"Hairless.Net" - If I didn't have hair, I don't think that Dandruff would be an issue now would it ?
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My dandruff is caused by a fungus and guess it could be caught by a vector such as a comb.




"For many years dandruff has been associated with the presence of yeast/fungi of the genus Malassezia or Pityrosporum. At this time, the species Pityrosporum ovale is considered the main causative agent, although some investigators argue that the altered flora of the scalp is secondary to increased epidermal proliferation. "

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>>>My dandruff is caused by a fungus and guess it could be caught by a vector such as a comb.<<<




thank you very much, mate, i do appreciate what you are trying to say here, but i am afraid that this a bit too much information for me now, ... just before dinner ... :help:





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I have a Type 2 diabetic problem, got some bites which i scratched, they developed into badly infected sores which I had to have treated with antibiotics. The doctor said that you must be very care when you shower as the water is so poluted that it agrivates the open sore, must be kept off of any open cut. Strongly suggest you spray your room before retiring with House and Garden Raid or similar.

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Says cactus:

I have a Type 2 diabetic problem, got some bites which i scratched, they developed into badly infected sores which I had to have treated with antibiotics. The doctor said that you must be very care when you shower as the water is so poluted that it agrivates the open sore, must be kept off of any open cut. Strongly suggest you spray your room before retiring with House and Garden Raid or similar.




a. if you are in Bkk, or any other city the Doc's advice is BS, the water may not be as potable as the authorities claim, but that poluted .......... rediculous. 100s of thousands would be affected daily.


b. what possible connection has this to do with diabetes ? :dunno:

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I have been more healthy here in BKK than I was in prior locales. Having said that, I have had food poisoning three times and bronchitis four times (viral and bacterial). Are those directly related to living here? I don't know.


My latest ailment is foot pain.


Since I sold my car, and thinking I was getting exercise, I do a lot of walking. Maybe it is getting old, the uneven surfaces/holes, or just the walking itself, but now after a short walk, my feet really hurt.


I had heel spurs before, and methinks they are back. Anyone ever have them? 15 years ago I had shots of cortisone (hurt like hell) to reduce the swelling near the spurs (I am not a cowboy ::) and I had no pain until recently.


Looks like a trip to Bumrungrad soon. I wonder what they do for these now. Back in '88 laser surgery was experimental and not that all effective...

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fungal infection on my upper thigh. Happened a few times and a couple of my mates get this on a regular basis.

Wife: What the F... have you been doing to get that?

I guess I got that from wearing damp clothes all the time, working on a dive boat. Not that she believed a word of that needless to say. ::

Respiratory problems due to :cussing: Aircon both on the plane and in overnight busses. Well, I have a slight astma condition anyway, not anything that a smoke cannot cure though. :doah:



Hua Nguu


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