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Wisdom teeth removal

Old Hippie

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With todays dentistry there is no, or almost no, pain involved in the RCT (if even required). Don't pull unless required.

Depends on the state of the tooth. If it's degenerating then one won't feel a thing. If there's an inflammation of the nerve inside the tooth then one will have to get an injection before treatment for the first 3-4-5 visits. That's the only pain, the treatment itself doesn't hurt.


However, dentists usually don't do RTC on wisdom teeth due to its numerous variations. Only endodontics (specialized dentists in RTC) dare to consider this option, provided the tooth is in fairly good condition and location (a rarity among wisdom teeth as they're the hardest to keep clean)

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Have had RCT done on about half my teeth and as long as any infection is taken care of first there is no real pain. Now if you have to have done fast without the infection being taken care of there is a whole lot of pain as the injections just get absorbed and never get to the nerve. Had that experience once in USA when had to have full treatment in one week. But none done here in Thailand have had more than a slight pain when digging last part of root out. After treatment pain was about a normal headache or less. I had every reason to have fear after the US experience but the fact is they are almost painless. Have had done in Vientiane/Chiang Mai/Bangkok. If your teeth can be saved it is a small price to pay.

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