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Does HIV exist and Does it Kill?


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"Many africans", humm gotta be referring to some South Africans who are avoiding the problem. Have you been in Africa TC? HIV and thereafter AIDS has had a serious influence on countries there. Is it propaganda? Have you seen some of the affected ones in the streets there? Its left huge numbers of childrens as orphants.


Its affected the economies. Overloaded the hospitals. BTW, it also killed a couple of AID workers who I knew personally. What did you think they died of? Healthy males in their best ages, who first got HIV and then AIDS.


One girl I met who had HIV or AIDS - I am not sure, said something which sticks in my mind. She had made sure to pay for her burial already. Thats the way she could live with it.

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thamachat said:There is no evidence that Hiv destroys the immune system. That?s the problem. It?s never been anything more than a theory, but the media report as if it were a fact. They do this all the time and consistently, and not just on Aids. Theories that support powerful interest groups are promoted to facts.

Everything in life is a theory, Thamachat, all we can do is observe cause and effect. Another theory is that the union of sperm and an egg is the cause of pregancy- humans are far from understanding the mechanism of reproduction but it doesn't mean it's not real or we can't plan against what we observe. Arguing about the minutae is not being able to see the forest for the trees.


There's a damn high correlation between HIV and dying... high enough for any rational person not to want to get it.

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>There is no evidence that Hiv destroys the immune system


Yes. There is.


>It?s never been anything more than a theory, but the media report as if it were a fact. They do this all the time and consistently, and not just on Aids.


Its been shown how. And this is the main methodology of the "virusmythers". Completely ignore the evidence again and again and again. However many times it is shown to you, you deny the evidence, and then start again from the same position.


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Interesting to see what your link shows. Out of 1,000,296,092 dollars contributed for the year, countries contributed 704,000,000. Of the rest, big contributors were Glaxo-43 million, United Nations FIP-39 million, Rotary International-35 million, Bill Gates Foundation-32 million, UNAIDS-24 million, Commission of European Communities-18 million, World Bank-13 million, Novartis-12 million, Kobe Group-9 million, Aventis-7 million, and OPEC-5 million.

So the majority of the funding came from various countries. The big contributors accounted for an additional 237 million, of which 62 million came from drug companies.

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