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Memorial Service held in Bangkok

New Petchburi Pete

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I just received this from a person I know in Bangkok.

This is about the 3 men in Iraq. Two were executed and the British person at this time is still alive.

The Memorial Service was held at a place I have been to many times and I know all the people mentioned in the article.



--This is the message header--

Hi, AtoZer's:


Just want to let all you subscribers know some things.


If you haven't looked at the homepage in the last few hours (it's now about 3:30 P.M. Bangkok time, which is the same as 4:30 A.M. Eastern Time in the U.S.), I've put up some information regarding the situation in Baghdad. I've set up a dedicated e-mail address for messages regarding Jack Armstrong (primarily), Jack Hensley, Ken Bigley, and anyone else under threat or already gone from the terrorists' activities, especially any such people with Thailand connections.


I also have connections to newspapers in their hometowns, and to the website set up to raise funds for the education of Hensley's daughter, Sara.


I already have written to one of the newspapers in Marietta, Georgia, hometown of Hensley, expressing condolences earlier today, and plan to do the same for the hometown newspapers in Hillsdale, Michigan and Liverpool, England.


Finally, we had a memorial for our Jack yesterday at The Silver Dollar and New Square One Pub, though the bulk of it was in the former. I made introductory remarks and spoke a bit about my own relationship with Jack and times we spent together, then introduced Richard K. Diran and James Pate, both long-time and very close friends of Jack's. Richard had written a poem to Jack he read to us, then reflected on some times he had been with Jack. I would like to publish Richard's poem, were he to agree to let me do so, but it has one curse word making it unsuitable for BangkokAtoZ.com. James then read a prepared statement. He talked about Jack's strong belief in the Buddhist precept of needing to let go of desire to escape pain. He spoke of the anger he had felt, and that Thursday evening he was thinking about Jack's belief and decided to let go of his desire for revenge, his desire to

see Jack again, and do as Jack had once instructed him to do -- get on with his life.


We all 3 felt strong emotion -- especially James -- but we all managed to get through it without breaking down.


It was a cleansing experience.


It was a good experience.


Then we laughed and joked about various episodes in which Jack was involved with one or the other of us, mostly, though a few anecdotes involved crazy things Jack had done in other dangerous places he worked, such as barbecueing on the roof of his residential building in Bosnia with bullets flying overhead.


It was very much an Irish wake, and it was wonderful.


I'm writing about it for the next "The Rounds," but less openly than I am to all of you.


Please feel free to forward this e-mail to whomever you like or make aware anyone you wish of the information on the site's home page.


May the gods grant that this e-mail finds each and every one of you -- and all your loved ones -- sound, safe, free of travail, and happy.


As always . . . thanks for stopping by.


With warm regards,


Mekhong Kurt, Web Master

<http://BangkokAtoZ.com>, Bangkok's VOice On The Web

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