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Other Countries have Candidates Like These Guys!%?


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It was with dread that I found the Absentee Ballot in my mail box the other day. Why couldn't it have gotten lost in the mail? Why did I have to be in the country now?


I didn't do this, I didn't set this up, I didn't bring this on myself - this choice. These two guys!! The most internationally loathed US President ever - a man with NO statesmen like qualities - vs a guy who took a movie camera to Vietnam to act out little scenarios that made him look heroic, then fled after four short months and now puts himself forward as a war hero. It is an abomination!


So was the last election. When I made a mistake, by the way, and voted for Al Gore. Can you imagine him dealing with 9/11 and the aftermath??


Given the present choice I have decided not to vote AGAINST anyone, although I am personally against both of them. I am going to vote my own interest. I will hope that I personally don't get killed by terrorists and I will vote for health care and stem cell research, i.e., I will vote for he who presented the best lies (or fantasies?) on the subjects. (I now interrupt my typing, take pen and ballot in hand...there! It's done. Excuse me while I go hurl!)


I look around and see other governments with dignified, competent leaders (some Asian countries excepted!) who seem to be able to communicate in their respective languages. They couldn't have come out of choices like we have over here, could they?


The question: Do Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Canucks or Europeans have to face choices like this on ballots? Do they elect bad, bad actors (like Arnold S) to high office? (Who turns out not to be so bad a Governor...but geeze it's embarassing!!)


Zane May

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Yes yet again another election that causes one to vote for the lesser of two liers. But without question at least one of them will not look like a total moron when on the international stage. At least one of them will cease shifting the wealth of our country to the richest 1%. At least one of them will not continue to erode our rights. At least one of them will provide free ketchup for every one. Oh by the way Kerry left 4 months into his second tour, and lots of people have home movies of their military experiences.

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at least in the UK we have more than 2 choices.

i would never vote for the 3 main parties,i always go for someone like the green party.

in the last election here i looked at the main candidates addresses and the nearest one to my constituency lived 50 Miles away.

fuck them all,if they can't be bothered to live near me then they don't get my vote......

how am i suppossed to knock on their door and moan about their lies if they are miles away?.

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Hours later I'm still shaken by the experience of having to mark the ballot.


There have been many a time when as a disaffected voter, like I am now, that I have just blown it off. Crap!


Are you in other countries beat up with the propoganda that it is your duty to vote. There are big ad campaigns here now to get us to register and vote. Crap!



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zanemay said:



The question: Do Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Canucks or Europeans have to face choices like this on ballots? Do they elect bad, bad actors (like Arnold S) to high office? (Who turns out not to be so bad a Governor...but geeze it's embarassing!!)


Zane May


1. I loved that "Brits,....,...., Europeans! :-)

The American way of foreign wisdom. The Brits are Europeans, even if they do not act like it!


2. Just have a look at Germany! We have more clowns here than America will ever have. Disgusting!



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Man at Work said:
zanemay said:




2. Just have a look at Germany! We have more clowns here than America will ever have. Disgusting!





Okay, name one German clown.

I can't.

Britain's got/had lots. There's Charlie Carolli to name but one. Ali Bongo is a sort of clown/magician. Norman Wisdom, he's a clown but doesn't dress up in any kind of special outfit. Charlie Chaplin, or the little twat as he was affectionately known, he was originally from Britain although he did most of his clowning in Hollywood. And America, well didn't they have John Wayne Gacey, well he thought he was a clown. And Ronald McDonald, he's a clown although he uses his clowning skills to sell food. ::

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