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a maserratti vs a corrolla


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The maser: She is fast furious multiple orgasm sexy. She is also very expensive breaks easily and is very expensive to repair. She is often aloof and unattainable. Or just wont start at all sometimes. And her a/c is finicky so you sweat a lot.


The corrolla: She is fast enough handles well and is very predictable. She is easy and cheap to operate. Low maintenance and sips gas. She does everything the maser can do and perhaps a little more for a fraction of the cost. She is good looking but won't stop any traffic anywhere.


So why is it that I (a 48 year old gas guzzling pickup truck) still lusts for the maser when the corrolla is clearly a better choice?

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This is now a real crisis .


Hereby I stand up in defence of Oficine Alfieri Maserati Modena and declare war at Messieurs Bushpilot et combatantes !


There is a 3 year full warranty covering all cost of repairs but there aren't any. It never breaks. It starts even under 5 inches of snow that you almost do not get the doors open because the whole thing is frozen to a block of ice. The aircon is perfect. Three times Halleluja !


It does further attract neckid women in large quantities which a Corolla has not been heard of . Japanese diesel engines are shite by the way.


BuBi , seriously hurt ( soul)

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BBill is a vely serious man, except in most of his posts... and my main competitor is trying to sell his Maseratti over here...

Still I have no idea what a Corrolla looks like.

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