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TG hire gunmen to kill a Thai married to an Austra


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[color:"blue"] A few weeks ago a body of a Thai woman who was a movie actress in Thailand, married to an Australian was found in her BMW in BKK killed by gun shots. In Thairath news today, it states that another Thai woman hired gunmen to kill her. The dead woman?s name was ?Siriwipa Krajangsang?.


The cause was that the dead woman found the Thai woman had an affair with her husband so she reported her to the Australian immigration department on ?expired visa? case and the Thai woman was shipped back to Thailand. When the dead woman visited Thailand, a group leader and 3 gunmen were hired to kill her. The gunmen on motorcycles shot the dead woman when her BMW stopped at a redlight.


The gunmen were hired for the total price of 150,000 Baht, 50,000 Baht per person. All 4 men have been arrested and the police are looking for the woman who hired them. The woman?s name is ?Yupin Thongtiraj?.[/color]


This is one main reason I have stayed away from most Thais. For some reasons or others, they seem to have too much drama going on. It is not only once that death threats are used one way or others, it is a shame that killing is not considered carefully with some of these people who claim to be Budhists. :(



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It always amazes me how the police come up with detailed confessions right after catching the perpetrators. My wife says its a kind of plea bargain. I suspect something more sinister. One thing appears to be for sure: people who are not well connected high up and get caught by the police will for one reason or another do a lot of talking.


I wonder why.... :: :(

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there are many reasons.

first, thai police is far more capable then the farang gossip makes them out to be (reasons why some things are neclected and others aren't would go a bit too far here).

also, declaring yourself guilt does automatically reduce the maximum fine in half most of the time.

also, there is a sort of point sythem here in jails, and one's good behavior even when still in police custody, including cooperation, does count for a lot when given a sentence.


of course in many cases the interrogation methods are more then questionable as well.


but it is important to remember that corruption does not equal inefficiency. especially in intelligence gathering the thai police is extremely good. not the electronic computerised intelligence (but there they are getting better rapidly - they have for example extensive computer files on gangmambers and known or suspected hitmen) - but on the ground old style intelligence gathering.

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