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ALL Pat Pong bars open tonight!


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Hi All,


Papasaan at the door of my favourite bar told me last night that the police said that even though it is a voting day in Bangkok, all the bars will be allowed to open in Pat Pong tonight, Saturday February 5th 2005


Sat down and had a drink and got chatting and was then informed that the bars were indeed open but no alcolhol was being served!


So I suppose it is off to the the local shop to buy a couple of bottles of Sang Som for tonight.





John Betong


PS Why do the Thais call Sang Som whisky when it marked as rum on the label?

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I heard the same thing in Patpong last night, but the part about no booze sales was omitted. I believe the prohibition on selling alcohol goes into affect around 6 pm - about 4 hours from now.

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Apologies but had to amend the title of this thread.

Just come back from the Irish Xchange in Patpong having watched the France/Scotland rugby match....rough luck on Scotland.....


Took a quick walk around and Yes the bars were open but not all of them, Electric Blue was closed but most others were open and even many of the go gos with girls dancing. Pink Panther had one girl on stage. BUT NOT A BOOZE BOTTLE TO BE SEEN.....anywhere.


Imagine going to an Irish pub to watch a rugby match and not being able to drink....what a country!

All the bar staff were kitted out in Tiger beer shirts and caps but couldn't sell any....BIZARRE


Does anyone have any idea why Thailand is the only country in the world that forbids the sale of alcohol during an election weekend?


AND there are many official signs up around the place saying that no alcohol can be sold until 12 midnight tomorrow night Sun, but the girls I have spoken to say that their go-go's will be open tomorrow night....maybe but not sure.....what utter confusion!



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Because the people who are paying for the votes want to make sure that they can still put their 'X's in the right boxes! After last night I was glad of the ban - I drank 2 nights' worth in one go - sorry we didn't catch up with you again after Beat House. Our mutual friend dragged me screaming around Cowboy - didn't even get into After School until the lights were on and I was faced with the sight of Suadum with my favourite girl!!


Some quiet pampering today at the salon and then off to the movies to see '2046' - brilliant movie, take the missus - Chinese with Thai and English subtitles.

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Long Gun said:...didn't even get into After School until the lights were on and I was faced with the sight of Suadum with my favourite girl!!
Oh dear! She is my favourite "ultra A-list" gal too! Been so for a couple of years. So I guess we will have to make a schedule then... :doah::neener:


You should have joined RedBaron & I. We went to XXXX bar where we stood outside drinking until about 0230 (they made me switch to beer at ~0200 tho' :( ) and them onward to the XXXX afterhours place to eat, drink, fondle waitresses and shoot pool, not necessarily in that order. I got home at about 0500 and got a phone call from Miss Red wondering where her man was (she hates me ya know). I told her he was right where I left him, innocently playing pool at the bar :angel:. Not sure if she believed me...




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uniformguy said:

Does anyone have any idea why Thailand is the only country in the world that forbids the sale of alcohol during an election weekend?



Canada had a similar no serving booze on election day policy. But

that was way back in to the late sixties. They lossen up later in the early 70's. So it is nice to see that Thailand is staying up and in front of the times. Nothing like social order.


But on the other hand, Canadian's don't stay up all night drinking before jumping in to the back of a pick-up truck shooting their guns' all the way to the nearest polling station. Or is this Afghanistan or some other 'Stan country which I am thinking of, heard of??



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I went to Pat Pong last night and let me tell you it was dismal, the quality of the girls was really bad. After many attempts at finding some real fun I ended up in an afterhours place untill 4:00am drinking and dancing until the lady I ended up with was ready to go. I have not been to patpong in years but I hope last night was not the regular pickings.

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