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Is it allright to hit your children?


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carlton68 said:

Looks like my 4 year old daughter is much better 'trained' than the kids you know.


For most things you wanna teach kids it is repeat, repeat, repeat, and again repeat. I guess kids need at least 10 repetitions until anything sinks into their brains.

And for the particular problem of traffic training: be graphic, show them some run-over animals if available, and explain that kids look alike when run-over by cars. And then train with them. Cross the street together several times. Day after day. Start making it the kids job to check the road for traffic before crossing.

These days when we walk along and have to cross a street, my daughter takes my hand, checks the traffic and tells me when we can go. She's doing a good job.

From time to time she forgets what she's learned and tries to run into the road. Normal for a 4 year old. It's my job to anticipate that. Calling her name with a raised voice is enough to stop her, and reaches much further than my arm.

Takes more time than just hitting the kid, but I guess I got better results.


I am quite happy that my parents never hit me. Even more so as my mother was hit by her father many times for no reason. Quite impressive how she could break through the circle and not hit her own kids.


Jup, basically you have to put in the time, and spanking would seem to be easier and quicker. I belive you get the best result in doing it right though.


I have never been spanked, in fact my father only raised his voice at me once. No question about who were the boss though. He had all the authority he needed by who he were not by how much he yelled or how hard he hit.

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Guest lazyphil

Personally I wouldn't hit a child or anyone else unless in self defence. I think its ok to give a smack to a child whos about to stick their fingers in a plug socket and is too young to understand..NO!

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lazyphil said:

Personally I wouldn't hit a child or anyone else unless in self defence. I think its ok to give a smack to a child whos about to stick their fingers in a plug socket and is too young to understand..NO!


If you can smack him you can remove him. No point to be made that could not be made in a diffrent way than smacking.

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As a father of two boys, one seven the other sixteen. I've spanked as a last resort. The oldest hasn't had a spanking since 8 years old (I wouldn't dare touch him now, he's a great son, good mannerd ,good heart). His younger brother rarely gets a spanking. Usually after the discussions, explainations, privlage pulling, groundings, etc. I spank with my hand on his bottom. I feel the pain that I'm inflecting. It's quick, and he knows why he's getting it. That usually stops whatever he has done. He too is a great son, he is very smart and extremely likeable. The need to spank is rare, but it's effective when the actions that he does can harm himself or others.

When I was young my father use to beat me with his belt, until I was black and blue. As I got older the slapping and punching started. It ended when I joined the military at seventeen. I told myself I would never lay a hand on my own sons if I had any. I sort of renig'd on that, but my hand spankings are out of love and not abuse.

Chok dee,


P.S. I never went back to my father's place once I left. I'm afraid what I would do if I did.

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If you can smack him you can remove him. No point to be made that could not be made in a diffrent way than smacking.


Comprende but IMHO there's a higher percentage of kids that listen to a smack than to a verbal warning. And since we're talking about a very dangerous activity here I would definitely take no risk and opt for the spank.

In any other case a warning would suffice since the consequences aren't near fatal.



P.S. I never went back to my father's place once I left. I'm afraid what I would do if I did.


You did well.

I remember one time pissing myself when my father hit my ass several times with his huge hands. Pretty much covered my entire ass. (sounds funny now doesn't it :) ) but all I learned from that is that I will never abuse my kids in a similar way.

No repeatedly ass-whooping scenarios, merely a single smack out of pure necessity.

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Hey, thanks for your story. I think it's great that you broke the "cycle"! It's not that easy.


My father didn't do that, but it's funny how I unconsciously see myself doing things he did. Not destructive per se, but definitely not constructive!



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