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The end of sanuk?


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Somehow I missed your post which was directed at comments that I have made in my website and on here that are contradictory. I don't doubt for a moment that I have made contradictory statements and if you read parts of my website, it is a bit all over the place, one place it says "this" and later it says "that".

Let me first say that it is an "amateur" website and that as I don't get paid for doing it, I do not quite give it the attention to detail that I would if it was commerical, but nonetheless, that alone is not an excuse for contradictions.

Quite simply, I like to think of myself as open minded and I will happily listen to someone who has an opinion that opposes one of my beliefs. This is well represented by my own "career" in the nightlife scene. I first came here knowing a little about the scene, but not really that interested in indulging - but I did have a fascination. After moving here, I slowly got sucked it and that culiminated in a period where I had a few months off, not working nor studying when I indulged quite a bit more than I would deem healthy. Since then, my opinions on it all have changed again and I'm now at the stage where I TRULY wouldn't mind if it all disappeared and contrary to what some may think, it is on no way responsible for my continued existence in Thailand.

These changes in direction have resulted mainly from learning more and more about life in Thailand and getting a better understanding of it all - knowledge gained from people who have been here a lot longer than me. Who knows, in three months time, I might be back misbehaving again. People change, but sometimes they are too slow and disorganised to change parts of their websites too...


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Read today's The Nation and it becomes clear who is the driving force behind the crackdown: stern-faced Interior Minister Purachai Piumsomboon. He says he wants to erase social ills in Thailand and that the country will have a "new face" within four years; he wants the Thai lady of "the good old days" back who honours her virginity! Words fail me to respond to such moronic drivel, at least polite words.

The moral fascists are on the march!


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We all had such politicians in the making of our own modern societies, They were swept up by the times and tides as one never goes back to yesterday. Thailand had plenty of times and wealth to eradicate poverty and "social ills" but instead chose to look the other way or keep the old ways (not women being modest, but corruption, greed and nepotism). I can condone the wish to clean up the image, but they'll have to be more social than moralistic to get at the roots of the problems. Will they ever get it?

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Apologies to Christian Lloyd, but here from today's (21 Aug) The Nation Letters to the Editor:

Attacking tourists, foreigners is no way to win friends


Tourists seem to get blamed for a lot of things that happen in Thailand. They were blamed for Aids and now are quoted as the reason for the mud-slide deaths recently; at the same time the daily news-papers and the government decry the need for more tourists.

As a long-time resident I watch in complete bafflement as the government and the police do everything in their power to discourage these same tourists and blame foreigners for their woes.

People working here attract their friends and relatives, but work permits are hard to come by and are granted and denied based on some arcane set of rules and regulations.

Re-entry visas carry a high price and the police enforce laws in a heavy-handed manner that suits their moods rather than following the application of any laws.

How many tourists want to be thrown out of a pub or restaurant at 1am?

Do you think these people would prefer to grab a drink at the local seven-11 and have it back at their hotel?

No, of course not. How many tourists will want to travel to the so called "new zones" for a drink?

Let's face facts. Places like Patpong, Nana and Soi Cowboy bring in more tourist dollars than almost any other place in the country.

Given the number of real issues that the government turns a blind eye to and given the cry for tourist dollars to come into the country, surely it doesn't make any sense to kill the golden cash cow.

And yet you make it impossible for them to enjoy it. Instead you should be promoting it, or at least turning a blind eye, as you do on so many of the other issues you don't want to deal with. Is it the intent of this government to kill tourism?

Instead, spend the time and effort cleaning up the real problem locations, the Thai-only teahouses where the staff are usually 100 per cent HIV positive; attack the developers who cut down all of the forests and caused the mud slides.

Blame the casual sex habits of the northern and northeastern Thais and truck-drivers for the spread of Aids.

In short stop blaming every problem Thailand has on foreigners and tourists: wake up and accept the responsibility.

Christian Lloyd,


The Link is at :

The Nation

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